Saturday, August 24, 2019

Post-Implementation Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Post-Implementation Issues - Essay Example CAVIES would streamline and integrate the veterinary practice details of all the ten branches so clients’ needs could be addressed by any of the branch, in the case of emergencies. VOLES on the other hand, would facilitate check on the inventory of the veterinary products in the various branches and would ensure maintenance of adequate supply by ordering products which are in short supply. It would also keep track of the controlled drugs with details like their usage by the people and for the people etc. Implementation plan would not comprise of details and integration of modules like financial statement or any other management information, though efforts to link the CAVIES and VOLES to MICE system would be facilitated. Phase III parallel running of two system where client’s appointment for their pets and record maintenance of CAVIES and Sale order module of VOLE system would be taken up. Tentative timeframe would be 2 months. Direct changeover to new system is not advisable mainly because of following reasons: new system needs to be tested for inconsistencies and reconciliation of converted data; the end users i.e the staff and veterinary surgeons and nurses need time to become proficient in the use of new system 2.3. Data migration This step would primarily involve steps as: identification of data from the existing paper records and existing information system; codification of data which would be carried out by the people of HCL in the presence of CVGL staff; and data entry and conversion of data from the existing information system in the main server at the headquarters. Entry of data can either be carried out by the ISS staff or given to outside agency on contract. 2.4. Training Initially 1 week training of trainers, taken from existing staff of ISS and other departments, would be carried out in the following areas

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