Friday, November 8, 2019

Tunis Gulic Campbell essays

Tunis Gulic Campbell essays Tunis Gulic Campbell was born in New jersey on the first of April 1812 for a black poor family. he spent 12 years in an Episcopal school in New York where he was the only colored child . at age of 18 he returned home and refused to go back to Africa to his native land. at age of 22 he dedicated himself for the removable of slavery .in 1867 he was elected as a sate senate and legislature. he entered the jail for a false accusatory and was released in 1877. Campbell life was a direct sight of the American history and he deeply Reflected the black s revolution and society among those years. Through his life , Campbell participated in many events and play a big role in the Reconstruction revolution that took place between 1865 and 1877. first of all, after the creation of the bureau of refugees and freedmen , Campbell was appointed as a Bureau Agent to five Georgia islands(Burnside, Ausaba, Saint Catharines, Sapele, and Colonels Islands) where black people were settling after the end of the civil war where he helped in building schools and tried to face an uncertain future with a vaguely defined freedom by organizing and establishing governments, cause at this time , blacks hungered the knowledge in books and that examined as the Black Embrace Of Education(Norton p 433). besides education, there was an encouragement of Campbell and friends to build churches where he taught that the most freed people secure claim on freedom was creating enduring communities (Norton p 434) . After being elected as a state senate and state legislature as well as vice president of th e States republican party for the second district of Georgia, he starts furthering black equality and protecting loyal citizens in the southern states through legislation and by his associations with national republican politicians . This didnt stopped here and he was expelled from his office because of his color which made him ...

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