Monday, December 30, 2019

Quotes from Martin Van Buren

Martin Van Buren was the eighth president of the United States having served from 1837 to 1841. Following are quotes from the man known as the Little Magician. He was president during the Panic of 1837 and blocked the admission of Texas as a state.   Quote by Martin Van Buren As to the presidency, the two happiest days of my life were those of my entrance upon the office and my surrender of it. Unlike all who have preceded me, the Revolution that gave us existence as one people was achieved at the period of my birth; and whilst I contemplate with grateful reverence that memorable event, I feel that I belong to a later age and that I may not expect my countrymen to weigh my actions wi th the same kind and partial hand. Van Burens Inaugural Address March 4, 1837 The people under our system, like the king in a monarchy, never dies. On receiving from the people the sacred trust twice confided on my illustrious predecessor, and which he has discharged so faithfully and so well, I know that I can not expect to perform the arduous task with equal ability and success.  Van Burens Inaugural Address March 4, 1837 It is easier to do a job right than to explain why you didnt. For myself, therefore, I desire to declare that the principle that will govern me in the high duty to which my country calls me is a strict adherence to the letter and spirit of the Constitution as it was designed by those who framed it. Van Burens Inaugural Address March 4, 1837 There is a power in public opinion in this country-and I thank God for it: for it is the most honest and best of all powers-which will not tolerate an incompetent or unworthy man to hold in his weak or wicked hands the lives and fortunes of his fellow-citizens. Stated in the Judiciary Committee on January 8, 1826.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Salem Hysteria Of Salem Village - 1407 Words

Nearly every form of religion in the world has a religious enemy most likely Satan or a devilish creature and all around the world during the civilized eighteenth century, much were executed due to the suspicion of the the prominent work of Satan also known as witchcraft the credibility although can all be given to mass hysteria a force in which uncontrollable fear affects behavior and passes from one to another. Particularly in the very new and non-popular site of the New World, Salem Village (United States). During the late 1600’s many women and few men were accused of practicing witchcraft in a small farming town known as Salem Village. Salem Village belonged to a very strict religion also known as Puritanism,the Puritan religion had no restraint that the slightest mistake during the Salem hysteria period could result in the farmers who met in the town hall gossiping about maybe your absence at church, and you were suspected to be a witch. The Salem Hysteria all arose when a clique of puritan girls had often met in Mr. Samuel Parris’s (pastor of Salem Village) kitchen where his native caribbean slave Tituba had been teaching of her decrepit culture in which included the teachings of magic. Anyway she taught them voodoo, told their fortunes by the palm of their hands, and retold religious stories but instead with a hint of magic. The clique, led by Ann Putnam were very intrigued about Tituba as Puritism did not allow any entertainment and thought that it was the work ofShow MoreRelatedWitchcraft in the Salem Village and The Crucible Essay1006 Words   |  5 Pagesseventeenth-century New England. A hysteria over it was caused by a group of girls. (Kent 95). Witchcraft was considered a terrible crime throughout Europe; its punishment was death by hanging or burning. (Dolan 8). Everyone in the village of Salem believed in witchcraft, and only a few have tried to use it. (Kent 18). In 1692, Salem Village hysteria was a major event in United States history, which will never be forgotten. The people of Salem were caught up in a hysteria of accusing many innocent womanRead MoreEssay on Witchcraft in the Small Village of Salem1585 Words   |  7 Pageswas death by hanging or burning (Dolan 8). Everyone in the village of Salem believed in witchcraft, and only a few had tried to use it (Kent 18). In 1692, Salem Village panic was a major event in United States history which will never be forgotten. The people of Salem were caught up in a hysteria of accusing m any innocent woman of witchcraft, even though it started as just a couple young girls who had acted strangely. In the village of Salem news spread fast, because of its size. The spread of newsRead MoreThe Hysteria Of The Salem Witch Trials1463 Words   |  6 Pages During the 1600’s in the United States there was much economic and religious dissention within the Puritan society: a group of English reformed protestants who pursued the Purification of the Church of England. Among these issues, is the hysteria of the Salem Witch Trials that prosecuted women to be found worshippers of the devil. The Puritans found the necessity to exercise this crusade in order to stay by their moral codes of conformity which included witchcraft to be the greatest crime, punishableRead MoreSalem Witch Trials : The Witch Trial Hysteria920 Words   |  4 PagesSalem Witch Trial Hysteria In 1692 the actions of three girls quickly launched Salem onto the path of committing one of the largest witch hunts the New World has ever known. The witch hunt was fueled by a mass hysteria among the townspeople, this hysteria was the result of the strictness of their society and a number of internal and external stressors. The initial wave of panic when rumors of witchcraft arose gave way to compete hysteria when accusations began. Salem massachusetts was the perfectRead MoreHistorical Journalism At The Salem Witch Trials863 Words   |  4 PagesHistorical Journalism at the Salem Witch Trials The Salem Witch Trials are one of the best known outbreaks of hysteria and fear in American history. This event began when Betty Parris, who was a daughter of Salem’s church’s minister, and Abigail Williams, who was her cousin, experiences several occasions of odd, violent behavior that they blamed on witchcraft. They accused two white women, Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne, as well as a slave, Tituba, of practicing witchcraft in the village. The three women wereRead MoreSociological And Societal Issues That Influenced The Sweeping Accusations Of The Salem Witch Trials Essay1620 Words   |  7 Pagesaccusations of the Salem Witch Trials. The â€Å"witch hunt† frenzy began in Salem Village in early 1692 all due to two young girls influence. Three main societal issues prevalent at this time could have led to the hysteria and rapid movement of the witch hunt idea. The chaotic beginnings in leadership of the church at Salem Village, the strict Puritan lifestyle and be liefs of villagers, and the entertainment value of witchcraft culture among the youth are all factors in the Village of Salem’s fear againstRead MoreThe Trials Of The Salem Witch Trials891 Words   |  4 Pagesthe nation s most notorious cases of mass hysteria. The reasons behind the trials and deaths are complex and multifaceted. Internal disputes, strict religious lifestyles, accusations from young children, witch hunting methods, spectral evidence, and even some medical theories all stand as causes of the Salem Witch Trials. Political, local, and religious context is necessary in order to understand the mass hysteria that occurred in the 1690s during the Salem Witch Trials. In the early 17th centuryRead MoreSalem Witch Trials1478 Words   |  6 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials of 1692 were a series of trials in which twenty-four people were killed after being accused of practicing witchcraft. These trials were caused by different social climates of the area including the very strong lack of a governor, the split between Salem Village and Salem Town, and the strict puritan lifestyle during the time period. Tituba, the black slave, was a foreigner from Barbados. Her role in society was to take care of Mr. Parris’s family. Tituba’s situation contributedRead MoreSalem Witch Trial Hysteria Essay818 Words   |  4 PagesTwenty people were put to death for witchcraft in Salem during the 1692 Salem Witch Trial Hysteria. In The Crucible, a woman, Elizabeth Proctor, gets accused of witchcraft by a youn g girl by the name Abigail Williams, who just so happens to be having an affair with Elizabeth’s husband, John. Once John finds out Abigail accused his wife, he starts trying to find proof that all of these young girls are pretending that they are being hurt by these older women, just so that they will be hanged. The officialsRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1700 Words   |  7 Pages1693, Salem, Massachusetts had a huge political conflict over religion. Spring of 1692, was the when witchcraft became the center cause of the Salem Witch Trials, thereafter spreading fear throughout the citizens by questioning their ways of life. Hysteria tortured the people located in Salem for the next year by means of having twenty-three people hung, pressed, or drowned. This essay is the understanding of how witchcraft attempted to create political order in Salem Town and Salem village and a

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Advantage of internet in doing business Free Essays

Convenience Reduced or no face to face contact with the customer. The business schedules time for customer response rather than being at the demand of the customer , as In telephone or face-to-face contact Business can attend to their customers at any time, not just during normal trading hours Vela social network, business can not only communicate with customers quickly but also retrieve customers’ feedback Immediately and directly. Savings No shop rent If business Is only conducted on the Internet May need less staff and enables to hire excellent workers from all over the world for various tasks, such as: translating Job, business writing or seeding, code writing for website. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantage of internet in doing business or any similar topic only for you Order Now Having a website Is a constant form of advertising to the public as It means information is available about services, products, business, promotions, contact detail, etc Business does not need to transport goods from ware house to shop, but an send them directly to the customers from the warehouse. Save marketing cost: traditional mass marketers have to send out thousands of postal mails to customers in order to introduce new products or services. Owing to internet, namely electronic mail (email) business saves such big amount of cost for postal expense and email printing cost. Speed Orders can be sent immediately, and transactions can be settled online. Funds are electronically transferred from the customers’ account to the business after authorization. The transaction date is collected in electronic form and entered into an accounting package. Via social network, business can not only communicate with customers quickly but also retrieve customers’ feedback immediately and directly instead of positively waiting for customers’ comments via phone or complaint letter. Quickly reach target customers and study characteristic of target markets How to cite Advantage of internet in doing business, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Development Negotiation and Community Engagement

Question: Discuss about theDevelopment Negotiation and Community Engagement. Answer: Introduction Negotiations can be handled properly by developing a proper checklist that should include all the points in detail. Negotiations are different for various situations that can be handled by analyzing the current scenarios and the factors that affect the operations. The agency aims at delivering of project of building a shopping mall in the central part of the city. The project is to be completed within six months of time. The aim of the assignment is to develop an effective and ethical negotiation strategy that is used for the completion of the project by the consultant. During the completion of entire project the project manager has to deal with many clients and situations that can be handled properly of the project manager has proper negotiations skills. According to Defren et al. (2012), negotiation skills are used to motivate employees, set budgets and timeframe, and negotiate with the clients to promote and raise the products. Negotiations can take many forms. Few negotiations la st for a long time while few negotiations can be solved in a short notice. Businesses mainly enter into a negotiation either out of a necessity or for seeking out an opportunity. There are various points that need to be considered will managing the negotiations effectively and efficiently. Analysis Negotiation Process and Identification of Key Stakeholders The aim of the project manager is to complete the construction of the shopping mall in a central area within six months of time. Stakeholders are agencies or people that are directly or indirectly engaged with the operations of the organization or are likely to get affected with the existence of the organization and its policies and objectives. The key stakeholders for this particular project of developing shopping mall are identified as follows: the investors that are investing for the development of the project the directors of the project that includes the project manager, assistant project manager, and the CEO of the organization government agencies owners and shareholders suppliers of the raw materials for the construction of the shopping mall professionals and employees that are involved in development of the project and its completion labors that will be working for constructing the mall the entire community where the mall is to be constructed The main fear that the managers encounter is with the approval of the community and the government for the development of the shopping mall. Construction of the shopping mall will affect the community and its people because the mall is being constructed in a residential area. During the time of construction, lot of noise will be generated and their modes of transportation are likely to change which will affect the daily routine of people. Hence, this is the major fear that the community and people may disagree for the construction of shopping. It is essential for the consultant and the manager develops such negotiation process so that they are able to make the community understand the benefits of having a shopping mall for which they may allow the construction. The second need is to negotiate with the government agencies and seek legal advice so that the company does not get involved in any illegal process of development. The third negotiating party that the consultant will get involved is the parties that will purchase the stores and spaces at shopping mall for the construction of shops. The manager will have to negotiate regarding prices of the space that they will allocate and give them assurance that the project will be completed in the given time. The project development has to get into negotiation with the investors as well to motivate them to invest more by showing them the benefits and the return on the investment. The manager has to negotiate with the employees as well to encourage and motivate them to work hard f or the completion of project. Hence, it can be seen that the manager has to get into negotiation with the various stakeholders for efficiently completing the given. For getting into negotiation, it is essential to develop an effective negation process and strategies that is ethical. According to Allen and Burrell (2016), the negotiation is an open process where the two parties after discussion agree to one probable solution. Five steps to negotiation process are as follows: Figure: negotiation process (Source: Baarslag et al. 2014). Preparation and planning: the first step in negotiation process is preparation and planning. It is essential to collect the information before getting into the negotiation. Both the parties involved in negotiation will collect the information to help add validity to the claims. While negotiating with the investors the project manager will gather information about the investor and the amount that they are likely to invest. The investor will collect information about the company and analyze the project, its benefits and drawbacks (Forester 2016). Definition of ground rules: the second step in negotiation process is development of rules and procedures for the planned negotiation. The negotiating parties will decide on the place of negotiation, the time constraint, the issues and the agreement. Here both the negotiating parties will reveal and disclose the demands and expectations. An opening offer and a closing offer will be decided (Yaghootkar and Gil 2012). Clarification and justification: the third step is clarifying and justifying the support of original request from each side. In this step, both the parties give opportunity to educate and inform each other about their position (Griffith 2015). Exploring stage: the next step is where both the parties sign no agreements but a consent decision is made where both parties have established their needs so that they can move forward with the agreement (Wainwright et al. 2014). Closing step: this is the next step is where both the parties finally reach into conclusion where the deal is finalized and an agreement is signed. The above negotiations will be solved by following the negotiation process so that it can be solved systematically and efficiently. Challenges of Negotiations Negotiations face various challenges that the manager needs to realize in order to effectively manage the work. While negotiating with the parties for the development of shopping malls there are various challenges that the project development will face that can be solved by effectively applying strategies and skills to use. The challenges of negotiations are as follows: One of the challenges of negotiation is when one of the parties is not ready to understand the other party. These types of parties think only on its own interest ignoring the interest of other parties. While negotiating with the community of the area where the shopping mall is likely to develop the main challenge that the negotiator is likely to encounter is to make the people understand the benefits of the particular project (Schneider and Lewicki 2016). It is easy to get into negotiation with the employees, as they are likely to agree with proposal. The main challenge of negotiation that the manager would face is while negotiating with the investors, community, and government. Lack of time is another challenge for effective negotiation process. It is essential for the negotiating parties to carefully decide on the conflict taking proper time (Kerzner 2013). Going unprepared for the negotiation can pose the challenge. It is essential for both the parties to have information of the matter in detail so that no challenges are encountered. It is challenging to predict the proper return on investment. This can be a problem while encouraging the investors to increase the amount of investment. Without any valid proof the negotiation becomes challenging because the parties have no proper and valid answers to the questions (Piya et al. 2016). Challenges will also arise if the disadvantages of constructing a shopping mall out way the benefits and advantages. This then will make it difficult for the organization developing a project to convince the community to agree for the construction of shopping mall. It is also challenging to get into negotiation with the government, as the other party is stronger and has more influence. In order to negotiate with the government it is essential for the project development manager to have valid proof of data that they will present (Roubanis et al. 2013). Negotiation Strategy and Approach According to Brett et al. (2014), negotiation process is not a continual process but it is an individual event. It is essential to develop good relationships with the parties and stakeholders in order to avoid the negotiations and the challenges that are involved with the negotiation. A negotiation strategy of building a good relationship with the stakeholders will be followed while getting into a negotiation with the investors and employees. In fact, it is essential to build a good relationship with all the stakeholders. Since, the organization and the project manager know the investors and employees the relationships with them can affect the risk of negotiations. A good relation with employees will already keep them motivated at work and hence the project manager and consultant will not have to waste much time in negotiating with them ( 2016). While getting into the negotiation with the community and the people positive thinking strategy will be used. It is essential for the manager to have confidence and think positively. This positivity and confidence will help the negotiator give power and the community the confidence that whatever they are doing is right and beneficial. The manager should have ability to make the community believe the need of developing shopping mall. Having positive attitude will also be beneficial while getting into the negotiation with the parties that will purchase the shops in the mall (Rivera 2015). The strategy of being articulate and value build will be used while negotiating with the customers that will purchase the space in the mall. The aim of the manager is to sell the space at higher price while the aim of customer is to buy the space for shops at lower price. According to Pruitt (2013), negotiation with the government is a complex process. While negotiating with the government it is essential for the negotiator to think about the best and the worst outcome. The manager should not lose confidence if things do not go their way. Reevaluating the values and positions will help the negotiator reach its goals, as they are now confident and have proper knowledge and information. Hence, the negotiating parties can choose various strategies. The strategies depend on the types of negotiations and the scenario that the parties face. It also depends on the goals and objectives of the particular project or the organization. Findings and Recommendation The development of the shopping mall has various risks that that the manager should identify. After the identification of the risks, it is essential for the manager to develop negotiation process and strategies that will be used to mitigate the risk through proper and effective negotiation. It is recommended that the project manager and consultant to develop a proper negotiation checklist to see what might be better for the negotiators. The negotiation checklist should include and be categorized under various heads so that it is easier and effective to solve the negations. The situation should be properly assessed based on different parameters such as styles, goals and objectives. It is also recommendable for the manager to evaluate the pros and cons of the project development in order to negotiate with the parties with confidence. Formulation of period is necessary. Since the aim of the project manager is to complete the development of the shopping mall in six months time it is recommended to complete the project within the given period. This is essential to get into further conflict with the parties, which may further delay the project and make the situation more complex. References Allen, M. and Burrell, N., 2016. Distributive Negotiation Strategies.The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication. Baarslag, T., Hindriks, K., Hendrikx, M., Dirkzwager, A. and Jonker, C., 2014. Decoupling negotiating agents to explore the space of negotiation strategies. InNovel Insights in Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiation(pp. 61-83). Springer Japan. Brett, J.M., Teucher, B.M. and Gunia, B.C., 2014, January. Culture and Negotiation: Resolving Three Enigmas. InAcademy of Management Proceedings(Vol. 2014, No. 1, p. 13682). Academy of Management. Defren, T., Wirtz, B.W. and Ullrich, S., 2012. Divestment-management: Success factors in the negotiation process of a sell-off.Long Range Planning,45(4), pp.258-276. Forester, J., 2016. Sources of influence in planning practice and their implications for development negotiations.Routledge Revivals: The Design Professions and the Built Environment (1988). Griffith, G. (2015). The Greater Sydney Commission. eBrief 20/2015. 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