Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Salem Hysteria Of Salem Village - 1407 Words

Nearly every form of religion in the world has a religious enemy most likely Satan or a devilish creature and all around the world during the civilized eighteenth century, much were executed due to the suspicion of the the prominent work of Satan also known as witchcraft the credibility although can all be given to mass hysteria a force in which uncontrollable fear affects behavior and passes from one to another. Particularly in the very new and non-popular site of the New World, Salem Village (United States). During the late 1600’s many women and few men were accused of practicing witchcraft in a small farming town known as Salem Village. Salem Village belonged to a very strict religion also known as Puritanism,the Puritan religion had no restraint that the slightest mistake during the Salem hysteria period could result in the farmers who met in the town hall gossiping about maybe your absence at church, and you were suspected to be a witch. The Salem Hysteria all arose when a clique of puritan girls had often met in Mr. Samuel Parris’s (pastor of Salem Village) kitchen where his native caribbean slave Tituba had been teaching of her decrepit culture in which included the teachings of magic. Anyway she taught them voodoo, told their fortunes by the palm of their hands, and retold religious stories but instead with a hint of magic. The clique, led by Ann Putnam were very intrigued about Tituba as Puritism did not allow any entertainment and thought that it was the work ofShow MoreRelatedWitchcraft in the Salem Village and The Crucible Essay1006 Words   |  5 Pagesseventeenth-century New England. A hysteria over it was caused by a group of girls. (Kent 95). Witchcraft was considered a terrible crime throughout Europe; its punishment was death by hanging or burning. (Dolan 8). Everyone in the village of Salem believed in witchcraft, and only a few have tried to use it. (Kent 18). 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Internal disputes, strict religious lifestyles, accusations from young children, witch hunting methods, spectral evidence, and even some medical theories all stand as causes of the Salem Witch Trials. Political, local, and religious context is necessary in order to understand the mass hysteria that occurred in the 1690s during the Salem Witch Trials. In the early 17th centuryRead MoreSalem Witch Trials1478 Words   |  6 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials of 1692 were a series of trials in which twenty-four people were killed after being accused of practicing witchcraft. These trials were caused by different social climates of the area including the very strong lack of a governor, the split between Salem Village and Salem Town, and the strict puritan lifestyle during the time period. Tituba, the black slave, was a foreigner from Barbados. Her role in society was to take care of Mr. Parris’s family. 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Hysteria tortured the people located in Salem for the next year by means of having twenty-three people hung, pressed, or drowned. This essay is the understanding of how witchcraft attempted to create political order in Salem Town and Salem village and a

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