Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Criminal Law And Popular Culture - 1367 Words

Criminal Law and Popular Culture With the increase in crime rates and application of criminal justice, it is factual that the filming industry has embraced the issue where more than quarter of the television dramas and films are based on crime and criminal justice. Most of these television programs and dramas exhibit values such as societal norms in law enforcement and agencies involved in criminal law. Therefore, messages conveyed in these TV programs are based on the real life law enforcement through legal processes, legal system adhered to, and the law enforcers involved. Basically, these television programs feature the knowledge on the legal system, law enforcers’ representations, legal rights, compliance, and victimization. Close scrutiny of these programs exhibits that they are just fictions on law enforcement in the real life setting. Thus, they depict law enforcers as moral people in the society who are qualified in attending to crimes. Therefore, one can assert that c riminal law helps the makers of these TV programs to draw a distinction between law enforcers and the criminals. Furthermore, it helps TV programs convey relevant information regarding the operation of the justice system. Citing from the CSI effect, it is perceptibly factual that TV shows/dramas that adhere to forensic investigation as a way of solving crimes are significantly affecting the criminal law in the contemporary CJS. Prosecutor and jurors areShow MoreRelatedCriminal Law And Popular Culture1368 Words   |  6 PagesQuestion #1 Criminal Law and Popular Culture With the increase in crime rates and application of criminal justice, it is factual that the filming industry has embraced the issue where more than quarter of the television dramas and films are based on crime and criminal justice. Most of these television programs and dramas exhibit values such as societal norms in law enforcement and agencies involved in criminal law. 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