Thursday, September 26, 2019

Organisations and Needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organisations and Needs - Essay Example In the present case study of banking organization, the training dept, faces layoff/down sizing for the last 3 years continuously. Full time establishment in the Trg. Centre was 260 in 2003 but reduced to 136 in 2006. Further the budget of Trg. dept. has also been reduced drastically from 20 million pounds in 2003 to 11 million pounds in 2005. Apart from this reduction, management is expecting the same productivity and output. This situation put tremendous pressure on the remaining work force. Though the downsizing was not only in Trg. Dept. but spread over all the important departments such as Administration, delivery and line management. The workforce, who survived the downsizing, was in traumatic condition due to layoffs of their close colleagues. Not even this but the further announcements of reduction and restructuring of Trg. Dept. and senior managements ultimate of further restructuring and proposal of downsizing the organization Trg. Dept by further 14 in number after at least 3 weeks put additional pressure/stress on the remaining workforce. This announcement creates havoc to the trust of the workforce at workplace. Now the complete atmosphere of uncertainty was widespread and employees working in Trg. Dept. are certainly facing the traumatic, emotional uneasiness. Downsizing the organization basically results in very serious and painful conditions and that can have a profound effect on the entire organization and especially on the employees who looses his/her job or have the fear of loosing jobs in near future. Discharging or likely to be discharging from the job, generates high emotions basically negative emotions towards management and the organization. Though the management/organizations carry it out as a necessity and with all legality but the process of downsizing as a whole always creates an emotional issue with in the organization. Companies' downsizing/layoffs have always a powerful impact on the organization. They can affect the morale of the organization's remaining employees, who may fear losing their jobs in the future. Due to downsizing the first and foremost thing, which will get affected, are productivity, morale, trust and security. Due to downsizing the morale or motivation level of the remaining employees will be at the lowest level, his/her trust with the organization must be shattered and security about future get diminished. All these factors immediately affect the productivity of remaining workforce. So to survive these redundancy and uncertainty about future downsizing, one should not6 be passive and fatalistic but try to be more positive and pessimistic. Now in the position of redundancy, I as an individual and also with my team must priorities and follow certain rules, which has been enumerated below may help to assure us to be retained. Though it's not a guarantee but it helps us. The first and foremost thing is to look more professional rather than casual. Individually or as a team, we should never dress like a fashion model or look like unprofessional so that we could be easily identified separately. Looks always make difference in the perceptions and in the situation of redundancy; perception of unprofessional or non-serious team always goes in the negative way. During the situation of redundancy or within the process of do

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