Friday, September 13, 2019

Privatization of prisons in the United States Research Proposal

Privatization of prisons in the United States - Research Proposal Example Prisoners in all developed society are abhorred by the society and this disgust creates an aversion. The aim of the prison system is to protect the semblance of the society and maintain social order. Historically prison system was used to detain criminals until further punishment was not administered. The prisons were actually dungeons where people were kept for their crimes. Criminals were not sentenced to spend time in jail rather they were either killed or set free and this practice dates back to the time of Old Testament (Griffith, 1993, pp. 91). Since then people were kept in dungeons (similar to present prisons) but the concept of criminal sentencing or jail time was not there. A person was either free or guilty, and a guilty person was punishable by death. The present day prison system came into existence in the middle part of 18th century. During this time criminals were imprisoned as a punishment for their crimes. Societies were actually developing and it was no longer consi dered right to give extreme punishments to every transgressor. Prison system developed in order to keep criminals away from the society and at the same time punishing them for their crimes. The role of Jeremy Bentham, a British philosopher, cannot be ignored in the development of present form of prison system (Jackson. 1997). From 18th century onwards the present day form of prison system came into existence and details were added in later years but the concept of criminal sentencing started from 18 the century. Since then prisons have been in hands of the state and government have operated prisons. It was politically essential for rulers to own and control the prison system so they can avert any revolt from the masses. But today the situation is very different as societies have evolved and they have come up with a refined justice system. There is no need for governments to control the prison system as a criminal justice system is in placed according to the constitution. Therefore i t is argued that in today’s world prison system should be privatized. The development of economic system and introduction of concept of free markets has started a wave of privatization. Governments all over the world are considering opening their economies and promoting private enterprises in order to promote free markets. Similar demand is made with regards to the prison system. Prison systems are directly related to the social justice system of a society therefore privatization of this institution is not very easy. Arguments are made both for and against privatization of prison. This research proposal will deal with the privatization of prison and an attempt will be made to better understand how privatization will have positive or negative effect on the present day prison system. Literature Review Many local governments are thinking of privatization of prisons in order to decrease their work load. It is generally expected that private sector will perform in a more cost effe ctive manner in order to earn profits. Overall efficiency of prison system is expected to increase if prison system is given in the hands of the private sector. But there are also concerns about privatization of prisons as it may lead to social problems. Therefore much research work has been conducted on the feasibility of private prisons. Literature on the subject also focuses on cost efficiency and performance of private prison system. Pr

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