Thursday, October 31, 2019

Critical Review of Skin Deep Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Review of Skin Deep - Essay Example The blind date arranged for a wedding ceremony comically highlights the many difficulties both sisters are currently experiencing in their lives and relationships. The opening scene of the play shows the two sisters discussing their relational challenges and trying to defend their outward displays of everything going well. The married sister is named Sheila Whiting, and is played by Micahla Vaccaro. Sheila discusses her marriage and the multiple plastic surgeries she has undergone in order to remain looking young for her successful lawyer husband. The un-married sister is named Maureen Mulligan, and is played by Missy Lane. Maureen tries to carry on her dull and romantically enigmatic existence due to her issues with her weight. Acting as debutant and matchmaker, Mrs. Vaccaro tries to convince her husband to set her sister up on a blind date for an upcoming wedding. The husband character, named Squire Whiting and played by Bill Krause, plays along and accepts the responsibility of being a matchmaker. As revealed later in play, Mr. Whiting feels affection and respect for his sister-in-law, which almost creates a scandal. When all the characters realize the truth by witnessing a simple hug between the husband and sister-in-law, the relational tension that has built up for many years is released. Mrs. Lane is able to resolve her low self-image with the reality that someone does find her attractive, despite her weight and increasing age. Joe Spinelli, who was set up on a blind date with Maureen, is a simple and realistic man by trade. Played by Barry Chambers, Joe is an honest character who felt attraction to Maureen but remained conservative. Mr. Whiting and Mrs. Vaccaro came to the understanding that plastic surgery was not necessary, because he loves his wife just the way she is. The set-up date creates a sexual innuendo that reminds each character that they are attracted to each other. However, the dialogues between the characters remained predicta ble and contrived. Some of the scenes were lengthy and the outcomes were understood before the conclusion was revealed. The casting was age-appropriate and helped the audience to understand that everyone was experiencing a comedic mid-life crisis. My favorite actor, Mr. Chambers, was very spontaneous and quite realistic in his gesturing. The sexual sparing that occurs between him and Maureen invokes the idea of our own parents trying to date and relate to each other while maintaining a public front. My least favorite character was the married sister. Mrs. Vaccaro seemed too stiff and her use of voice and responses seemed overly rehearsed. Although the actress was apparently feeling physically ill during that particular production, her voice was difficult to hear and did not convincingly portray a married socialite who had received too much plastic surgery. Her husband, the lawyer, was not very convincing until the very last scene, and could have interacted more with his wife. The sc enic design of the play created a neutral environment through which many interactions could occur. The stage was set as a modern, though slightly dated, apartment that allowed the actors to engage with many set props and lighting styles. The doorway, elevated from the stage, created a good use of dramatic space with the

Monday, October 28, 2019

An Imaginary Life and Wordsworth Essay Example for Free

An Imaginary Life and Wordsworth Essay In both David Malouf’s novel ‘An Imaginary Life’ and William Wordsworth’s poems, it is palpable how diverse times and cultures influence the significance of the association humanity can have with the natural world. There are four key techniques which are portrayed by both writers, portraying of characters, symbolism, imagery and concern; these techniques are presented through themes. The portraying of characters is shown through the theme of finding oneself in nature, symbolism finding hope in nature, imagery is emphasized through the indication that it is easier to connect with nature as a child and concerns towards the writers are accentuate through the theme of drifting away from nature. These themes help the writers highlight their techniques to the readers. Although both writers share the same views on nature, their context allows them to differ greatly from one another. Both Malouf and Wordsworth write through certain characters, Malouf wrote in his novel ‘An Imaginary Life’ through the character Ovid and Wordsworth through first person. An imaginary Life was written in a post-romantic era and tells the story of the Roman poet Ovids exile from Rome the centre of culture at the time to the bleak wilderness at Thomis, near the Black Sea. Here we have a person absolutely dependent on language a poet forced to live in a world where the landscape, the language, all is alien him. Eventually, with the assistance of the Child, a youth reared in the wild, Ovid comes to accept his new surroundings. He does this by using the power of language and imagination to construct this new world for himself in a way that is meaningful. His finding of a familiar flower, a poppy, in the wilderness, evokes for him the magical power of language to construct human reality. This reflects his personal views on nature as he himself chose to leave society and become a part of and appreciate nature. Wordsworth on the other hand wrote in first person, making it clear to his audience that these are his views and opinions. His mother died in 1788 at the age of eight and his father in 1783 at the age of thirteen. From there Wordsworth considered nature to be an adoptive parent. He rejected society, ‘Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher’, this shows how Wordsworth idolizes nature, he portrays nature as ‘light’ and puts it into a superior position. Wordsworth introduced the romantic era, at the time poems were written to allow the reader to feel the emotions of the composer. Nature was considered high in the romantic era, Wordsworth’s, unlike Malouf, finds his connection with nature at a young age. This is because of his personal context of losing his parents as a child and having no sturdy adult guide, Wordsworth was forced into nature and away from society whilst Malouf chose to leave society and find nature. Although the romantic era was filled with ‘nature lover’ Wordsworth was said to have an unnatural and concerning relationship with nature, referred to as a ‘nature worshiper’. This comes as a concern to most readers. In his poem ‘Tintern Abbey’ Wordsworth writes I cannot paint/ What then I was, showing and essentially fathoming over his ‘boyish days’ when a blunt passion and a feeling that had no need of any interest/ Unborrowed from the eye Developed from the natural world of Tintern Abbey. Despite never being conspicuous, religion has been implemented into the poem, most of it pantheistic. Wordsworth describes himself as having a far deeper zeal / of holier love† Creating the image that mental images of nature can build an enigmatic perceptivity of the holy. Malouf sets no major concerns with his audience however he did drift away from modern society to connect with nature. The times in which both writers wrote allowed their opinions on the attraction to nature to differ. Symbolism is used in both writers’ texts, In David Malouf’s novel An Imaginary Life, one of the most compelling positions of characterization circuits around the Child. Malouf analyzes the contention of the affiliation connecting an old man, Ovid and the Child, and the modifications it brings in human personality. The Child in An Imaginary Life is not a child as a child, but here, the Child is a wild boy, as a symbol of barbaric or uncivilized society and mirrors the method of reflection and of the deepening of humanity’s evolution into a new self. Ovid represents civilized man who has to face changed life situation, in â€Å"new place†, as an exile. In this process, the inner balance of Ovid self-ness has been tested through many experiences. Furthermore, the figure playing main role in Ovid’s process is The Child. Thus, the chronology of the meeting between Ovid and the child in Tomis is really about the process of shaping selfness. Wordsworth on the other hand symbolizes nature and people as one. In his poem ‘Strange Fits Of Passion I Have Known’, he continuously symbolizes the moon with the search for his love. As the moon falls his hope becomes lost. In almost all his poems, Wordsworth used ‘I’ as a symbol to portray his own emotions. Both writers symbolize their hope in nature using certain descriptive languages. Both writers use nature as a symbol entirely. Word worth, in his poem ‘The Prelude’, symbolizes nature, â€Å"Free as a bird to settle where I will†, this shows he symbolizes a bird with himself. Imagery is used in all kinds of writing, it helps the readers understand what the author is seeing and feeling. Ovid, in An Imaginary Life has a ‘fear’ of wolves eating him on page 56, this is ironic as the child who saves Ovid was raised by wolves, and he quotes â€Å"What if the next tongue to touch me was a wolf’s tongue? Rough, greedy.† Malouf also wants his readers to imaginatively come to terms with the suffering and cruelty that resides in Australian history; in the treatment of the Aboriginal people by white settlers. Maloufs novels deal with the idea that there is a blurred boundary between history and fiction. Official history is revealed as partly a fiction something that gets modified over time. But unofficial history, the lives of ordinary people, is in a sense the true history.the secret history that can be brought to life through fiction. Wordsworth on the other hand portrays imagery through beauty. Using descriptive language such as â€Å"soft/gentle breeze†, â€Å"lofty cliffs†, Tintern Abbey has great imagery used by Wordsworths, for example: â€Å"Here, under this dark sycamore, and view These plots of cottage-ground, these orchard-tufts, Which at this season, with their unripe fruits, Are clad in one green hue, and lose themselves Mid groves and copses. Once again I see These hedge-rows, hardly hedge-rows, little lines Of sportive wood run wild: these pastoral farms, Green to the very door; and wreaths of smoke Sent up, in silence, from among the trees! With some uncertain notice, as might seem Of vagrant dwellers in the houseless woods, Or of some Hermits cave, where by his fire The Hermit sits alone.† It can be concluded that although two people share almost the exact same views, to appreciate and allow others to appreciate nature, they both wrote in very diverse ways. This is clearly due to historical, literary and authors context. Both Wordsworth and Malouf show the quality and importance of humanity’s relationship with nature and how times and culture influence the relationship. Although they are influenced by very different cultural and social values, both writers have the same goal, which is to understand nature and become a part of it. Wordsworth learns through his interaction with nature in â€Å"Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour, July 13, 1798,† and â€Å"It’s a Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free,† that there is a spiritual presence in the landscape. Ovid’s interaction with nature helps him break down the divisions between people and their environment to become at one with it. B oth writers demonstrate how interaction with nature is necessary to appreciate it.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Role Of Music In Sonnys Blues

Role Of Music In Sonnys Blues The story Sonnys Blues is written by James Baldwin in 1846 and raises the problem of the misconception between two brothers. Their conflict grounded on the problem of racial discrimination in the African-American society. Influenced by the oppression, both bothers developed different views on life, which served as a problem for their common understanding. The narrator has adjusted to the white society still feeling the pressure, but not willing to change it. On the contrary to his brother, Sonny tries to find the way out and to state himself a worthy person of approval and respect. Sonny tries to avoid his pain and sufferings with the immersion into Jazz music, resided to his race. Describing Sonnys lifeline from his brothers perspective, depicting a fair representation of Sonnys relationship with music, and evaluating the authors method for creating a specific frame of mind in readers, it will be possible to create a holistic picture of Sonnys struggle on the way to salvation. The knowledge of Sonnys life comes only through the narrator. The only one evident point in Sonnys character is his hope that he can become a musician. His close minded brother, who seems to be the strict father for Sonny, rather than his supporting brother, expresses his disapproval of Sonnys wish. Suffer the consequences of his criticism Sonny agrees to live with Isabels family, only because they have a piano at home. Even though everybody admits that Sonny was at that piano playing for his life (p.101), nobody really hears and understands him. When he realizes that his efforts to create something from his music failed and he could not meet the expectations of the family, sadness devours him and he runs away. Later in the story, the brother narrates that Sonny starts to use drugs. Next, police arrests him for it and send to prison. Sonny kicks his drug habit and returns to live with his brother. After so many years and events influenced his life, he still continues to develop himse lf as a musician. As a matter of a fact, music plays a very significant role throughout the whole story written by James Baldwin. Basically, it is possible to notice how Sonny is dedicated to music and to jazz in particular. Additionally, the role of music is irreplaceable in defining and describing the major characters, as well as the culture of Harlem as a whole. Seeing Sonnys eternal eagerness to music, it is reasonable to assume that music is the only drug for Sonny, his only way of expressing his hopes and dulling his pain, incomparable even to his drug addiction. Sonnys devotion to Jazz is even able to change the upstanding mind of his brother by the end of the story. Comparing to his brother, who is afraid of the disorder and cannot face pain and uncertainty of the way Sonny lives, Sonny has a radically different perception of the world. Due to Sonnys artistic nature, tenacity and willing to struggle, his brother finally begins to understand not only the value of jazz and blues music, but also himself and his relationship with Sonny. In the club he starts to appreciate Sonny in a way he never did, as a real musician (p.107). Rather than trying to make Sonny fit into his world, he is now in Sonnys world. Or, rather: his kingdom. Here it was not even a question that his veins bore royal blood (p.107). The name of the story is Sonnys Blues, which contradicts with the genre of music, which Sonny is dedicated to. Sonny finds his strengths and motivation in jazz music. Basically, this music genre is based on informal order and format, which gives the musicians a lot of space for genuine expression of their souls. On the other hand, the actual name of the story seems to reflect Sonnys story of life. As a fact, blues is a music genre, which mostly expresses melancholic feelings, as well as it is infused with deep sadness and tragedy. Consequently, by naming the story Sonnys Blues the author defines Sonnys life with a genre, which is full of grief and sorrow, disappointments and frustration. The method which the author uses to frame the flow of the story is very representative, and leads the readers to a specific atmosphere and directs them towards a specific frame of mind. Creating a complete representation of Sonnys struggle on the way to salvation, it was essential to unfold the major aspects of Sonnys story and to describe his relationships with music and its meaning in Sonnys life. Additionally, by analyzing the name of the story it was possible to assemble the right atmosphere the author was trying to create for the readers. Thus, the author has chosen music, for it is communal function to tell the stories of a community of people. Music evokes feelings in performers and in listeners, helping them to cure from the failure in their lives or to at least feel comfortable in the company of others who are similarly afflicted.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Taco Bell Dog :: essays research papers

1 Oversize corn chip + 1 Undersized dog = Millions of dollars   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people say that the US is the land of opportunity, but the latest money making opportunity has come from south of the border. Chihuahuas, Talking Chihuahuas. Taco Bell has struck a gold mine in its latest advertisement campaign involving a talking Chihuahua, fueling an instant craze for the little dogs, and all of their merchandise.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The actual filming for all of the commercials was shot in western LA using a simple white background. Four look alike dogs were filmed in many situations at many angles. Using simple verbal commands such as sit, stay, and lie the trainers instructed the dogs out of view of the cameras. The entire process of shooting all of the footage for all of the commercials took only four days. On the final day of the shoot, a party was thrown in honor of the soon to be stars. Each was served a specially made cake consisting of carob, Carrots, and decorated dog biscuits. Three of the pups refused to touch the cakes. The forth one ate a portion of his and proceeded to vomit on the set floor. The dogs were also presented with Custom leather jackets by one costume designers. Another crew member gave the dogs a large inflatable Godzilla figure. The dogs reportedly attempthed to sexually gratify themselves on the tail several times and then chewed the toes off.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After filming the footage was sent to an animation company in Texas. Using computers, the animators morphed frames to create the effect of the dogs talking. Backgrounds, many of which are not actually Taco Bell, but a little deli called Sals, were added along with music and voices. And thus a new sensation was born.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The overwhelming success of the campaign is not limited to combo meals and gorditas, The Chihuahuas image can be seen on every thing from hats to t-shirts to dashboard ornaments to Vases.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Drug Problem in Russia

â€Å"Illicit drugs destroy innumerable individual lives and undermine our society†(Kofi Annan). The Peoples Republic of China believes that United Nations International Drug Control Program has to immediately attack the problem of drugs on the four fronts: the manufacture, trafficking, and the abuse of illegal drugs, and rehabilitation of addicts. China is a producer of precursor chemicals. The plant Ephedraplant that grows wild in north China can be turned into the precursor chemical ephedrine. The Peoples Republic also exports Potassium Permanganate. It can be legally exported, but is usually exported in bulk by kingpins to cocaine producing countries. Potassium Permanganate is a necessary ingredient in the production of cocaine. In 1998 300 tons of precursor chemicals were seized in China. The production of Methamphetamine is becoming a major problem. We produces limited amounts of opium for domestic consumption. The Peoples Republic monitors all 28-precursor chemicals listed in the 1988 UN Drug Convention. In 1998 there were 540,000 people addicted to drugs in China. The most common addictions were to heroin, opium, stimulates, and depressants. The majority of the problem is with our younger population. 80 percent of the addictions occur with those under the age 35. The Peoples Republic operates 600-drug treatment centers nation wide. These drug centers work on the â€Å"cold turkey† approach to break their drug habits. Illicit drug use was virtually eliminated in the Peoples Republic after a massive campaign launched by the central government in the early 1950s. In the early 1980s when the Peoples Republic ended its isolationism and opened up to the outside world drug trafficking and addiction revived. The death penalty can be handed down to criminals trafficking 10 grams of heroin and 15 years in jail for those caught with 50 grams of opium. The Chinese government has established a Counter Narcotics Bureau in the Ministry of Public Security to aid in anti-drug efforts. In February 1998 the government started a major drug education program aimed at preventing drug use. The Peoples Republic has provided support to the UN sponsored initiative that provides farmers in Burma and Laos seeds, fertilizer, and a constant market to sell their product. This initiative is to encourage Burma and Laos to switch from cultivating opium to producing cash crops and food grains. From what the Peoples Republic has documented, this program has significantly resulted in the decrease in poppy production in observed areas. China is a major transit route for Southeast Asian heroin destined for western markets. The Peoples Republic is located in the â€Å"Golden Triangle†, consisting of the countries Burma, Vietnam, and Laos. Burma's drug traffickers use the 2,000-kilometer border with the Peoples Republic. 90% of the heroin flowing into the Peoples Republic can be tracked back to Burma. Peoples Republic law prohibits the laundering of proceeds from drug trafficking, but banking and legal regulations are usually behind the fast paced progression of the traffickers. Hong Kong, a major Asian financial center, is extremely vulnerable to the use of its banking and financing systems for laundering of drug money. To solve this problem the Peoples Republic suggests that the first step in solving the drug problem is that there needs dialogue with governments. The only lasting progress that can be made to fight drug abuse and trafficking depends on strong commitment to the cause on both regional and worldwide levels. The main key to prevent demand is education. Education has worked for China on the Yunnan province where children in the junior secondary level (age 11-13) conduct educational talks about drugs and do activities. To reinforce the education they bombard the media with public service announcements, documentary dramas featuring real cases of drug addicts for broadcasting during prime time on local television. The second front is the supply of the drugs to the consumers. The main solution is crop substitution. The basis of crop substitution is that the government provides the tools, the seeds, and some fertilizer. Then the government has to provide a market place that they can sell their goods. The main reason this will work that the producers will now be making money off of legitimate cash crops instead of narcotics. The third problem is the trafficking of drugs across many countries borders. The way to solve the problem is to go directly to the source and never let the drugs leave the country. The way to do this is to set up an international task force on drug suppression. With the availability of the internet governments can link information quickly to suppress trafficking. Then governments can collaborate on control missions to stop the drugs from leaving the source countries. The third problem is treatment and rehabilitation. This is less of a worldwide problem then it is a national one. Following what The Peoples Republic has done, the countries of the world could set up national clinics for detoxification and removal of their chemical dependencies. China has 600 clinics suggesting that larger countries have more and smaller countries have fewer centers. The distinguished country of the Netherlands feels that drugs are not the consumer's fault, but the traffickers so they try to prosecute the traffickers. Contrary to their logic drugs are everyone's problems and should be dealt with that way. The distinguished country of Saudi Arabia has a zero tolerance for drugs. The mentally deficient thinking on his or her part that not everyone is entitled to a fair trial is also bad logic. The Peoples Republic allows all the accused to have a trial and China suggests that the world keep this mandate and not just run off and kill some people. The drug phenomenon is a unique problem in the way it plagues out society. It endangers the heath of individuals, political and economical development, and the safety and security of the government. Narcotics are one of the major problems plaguing the world today. This problem must be combated now and with full cooperation of all governments of the world if anyone ever wants to control the drug problem.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Importance of Parenting Concepts

Importance of Parenting Concepts Introduction Parenting is a continuous process that usually does not produce immediate results. This implies that parents have to be actively involved in child rearing to ensure positive development and nurture desired norms and values.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Parenting Concepts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Parenting is termed as a gift and a privilege since parents are given the opportunity to positively impact a person’s life. This paper highlights the definitions of parenting, explains different parenting styles, drawbacks to successful parenting and reviews emerging issues in the area. It also seeks to examine the ecological model and its relation to parenting. Definitions of Parenting Parenting, often referred to as child rearing, refers to the process of providing emotional, physical, social and financial support towards the full growth of a child. It can be carried out by biolo gical parents or adoptive parents who take it upon themselves to ensure that a child develops progressively from infancy to adulthood. Upon reaching adulthood, children are in better positions to assume independence. Competent parenting is achieved through a gradual process of acquiring skills and adapting to different environments (which a child and a parent are often exposed to). Competent parenting Competent parenting is achieved through a combination of several features. To ensure positive growth in a child, parents need to be sensitive to a variety of factors. Parenting depends on pre-existing conditions of a child which include traits, abilities, characteristics and type of temperament. Competent parenting entails several features which parents should strive to cultivate: perceptiveness, flexibility, responsiveness and persistence (Parenting Today, 2013). Perceptiveness calls for the need to be aware and observant of a childs emotional and behavioral changes. This facilitates identification and regulation of child behavior. Observance requires parents to be attentive to small details that often go unnoticed.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Some events that occur during child growth require parents to be sensitive to different changes which influence them. Upon identifying these changes, parents can thereby act accordingly. This eliminates the problem of passive parenting, which is evident in some families. Flexibility refers to the ability to adapt to different situations appropriately. This implies that parents should be armed with a wide range of problem solving skills, usually acquired from experience and previous learning. This facilitates the possibility of effectively responding to different demands and situations, as and when need arises. Different situations present themselves (ranging from academics, social and personal issues) during c hild development. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that they are armed with adequate problem solving skills to deal with these situations adequately. Responsiveness is aimed at fostering adjustment based on changing needs of a child. Parents should be aware of what their children are going through and in the process understand that a parents warmth is vital for child development. Affection should be expressed in all situations including rebuke. Gradual persistence builds on optimism which arises from positive attitudes. Children often learn from parents’ behavior through observation and this affects impartation of skills. Challenges to successful parenting Certain factors impinge on successful parenting. Cultivating positive parenting is arguably vital for growth in children. However, various aspects act as drawbacks to successful parenting. One major drawback arises from lack of cohesion between two parents. This usually occurs when one of the parents upholds certain values, often relating to discipline, that the other considers irrelevant. In this case, the child is aware of the conflict transpiring between parents and may be torn between whom to follow and who not to. Children should be oblivious of any conflict between parents.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Parenting Concepts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Parents should display consistency in matters relating to discipline and decisions that have a great effect on a child. Failure to do this may lead to emergence of rifts and favoritism arising from a child preferring one parent over the other because of the values they uphold. Parenting is also affected by dysfunctionalaities in individual parents. These dysfunctionalaities arise from poor backgrounds of the childs parents which leave them clueless on how to practice good parenting. Involvement of parents in drugs, alcohol or crime affects child u pbringing negatively. Issues pertaining to depression and lack of good family standings contribute to setbacks in child development. The common scenario is where parents concentrate on other things (like drugs, gambling and excessive drinking) at the expense of their children. They forget their parental responsibilities meaning that they are not in a position to execute responsibilities. This amounts to negligence Negative media also influences parenting. The media is filled with all sorts of negative messages that children are exposed to. As a result, children believe what they see and acquire a perception of I want a mommy or daddy like that. This is evident from many reality shows where parental values and acceptable norms are often ignored. Despite the drawbacks mentioned above, there are several key ingredients to successful parenting. They include enforcement of rewards and punishment to support good behavior and manners. Children should be reminded of consequences that emerge as a result of the decisions they make. Another key ingredient is ensuring consistency disciplinary values to serve as a reminder to children. These setbacks can be alleviated by exercising a variety of things which include counseling and attending parenting programs to assist in acquisition of desired skills and abilities (Guhl Fontenelle, 2000). Parenting styles There are a variety of parenting styles that have been defined by scholars and psychologists alike. These styles are based on how parents respond to situations and their level of control. Failure to strike a balance between responsiveness and control can be detrimental to a childs’ growth and lead to a disaster in parenting (Schaffer, 2009).Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Children who grow up in settings where one of the requirements is overemphasized tend to have issues relating to esteem, discipline and more often than not, academic performance may be negatively affected. This may trigger depression and anxiety at later stages in life. The four major types of parenting styles include authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and uninvolved parenting. These styles represent constructs and strategies that parents apply in parenting (Balter, 2000). Authoritative parenting It is categorized as one of the most balanced and democratic types of parenting which is geared towards wholeness and positive maturity of child. This is due to the fact that parents are both responsive and demanding. It is based on a collective approach to parenting which involves children in the problem solving process. This form of parenting gives a child a sense of freedom in making decisions hence cultivating independence. However, parents initially determine standards and contin uously monitor their children to ensure they act responsibly. Disciplinary measures are characterized by a level of objectiveness rather than violent bursts which would otherwise engrave a negative image on the importance of discipline in a child (Brooks, 2000). Authoritarian parenting Authoritarian parenting is also referred to strict parenting. Authoritarian parenting is characterized by parents who are not responsive, however they are demanding. Parents usually set principles and standards that are to be religiously adhered to, with little or no discussions with the child. No form of explanation is provided to the child regarding the rules and regulations that have been defined by parents. The result of such strictness leads to growth of social dwarfs. In this case, children are socially incompetent of developing relations due to the fact that they are accustomed to being told what to do and are seldom allowed to follow their hearts. Most children who have underwent this form of parenting end up feeling very insecure and are incapable of developing lasting social relations (Schaffer Kipp, 2009). Permissive parenting Permissive parenting is considered a form of lenient parenting. It is responsive yet not demanding. Parents exercise little control over their children. Responsiveness emerges from the fact that parents are sensitive to the childrens needs despite failure to set strict rules and standards relating to behavior and manners. The major disadvantage of this type of parenting is the fact that children from such homes end up engaging in misconduct as they are used to having their way in doing things (Bjorklund Blasi, 2011). Uninvolved parenting Uninvolved parenting is mainly passive. Parents are unaware and insensitive to child growth and development. It is characterized by lack of responsiveness and demand in raising up a child. This form of parenting is neglectful due to the fact that it does not take into consideration any of the important strateg ies. Parents are completely detached and unsupportive to emerging needs of a child. Such parents normally have other priorities (and values) other than child growth. They are totally unaware of events that children go through. As a result of this, children develop a sense of false independence because they are left to mature on their own. Children who are a product of such parenting have social relation issues and find it difficult to observe any set rules and regulations. Neglect usually arises from a variety of things which include addiction to harmful and illegal substances, financial issues and failure to prioritize the importance of child upbringing (Sigelman Rider, 2011). Parenting should not be regarded as an in house task. The community plays a major role in ensuring that parents are kept on their toes in exercising positive parenting. The community should cultivate a culture where acceptable norms, values and mannerisms of behavior are encouraged and emphasized. The commun ity has a role in ensuring that parental programs, to instill parental values and encourage competency in parenting, are conducted to promote child growth and development (Fisher Lerner, 2004). The ecological model and parenting The ecological model supports the idea that childrens growth and development is equally determined by external factors. Healthy maturity depends on settings that are beyond the confines of a home. The ecological model places a child at the center of micro systems which the child is in constant interaction with. External events, values and norms are learned by children depending on the environments they are in. Child development is evidently affected by settings like educational institutions, extended families and community neighborhoods. As a child grows and time passes by, contexts change and each of the new developments affect the growth of the child hence parenting should accommodate these changes (Luster Okagaki, 2005). Skills of a competent parent Par enting has been termed as a demanding task despite being a natural process. A parent needs to invest time in ensuring proper upbringing of a child. Becoming a better parent calls for acquisition of certain skills to foster good health, success and development of a child. The most important is love. Parents should be affectionate to their children and create time to bond with them. This in turn creates a feeling of appreciation.(10 Skills of Competent Parents, 2013). Relationship skills allow the parent and child to have a healthy relationship and in turn the child is in a better position to establish healthy relations with others. Parents should be respectful and encourage autonomy. The child should be encouraged to understand their sense of purpose in life and reminded that they are self sufficient. Other skills that are vital in parenting include stress management, behavior management, safety and support of spiritual development (Golombok, 2000). Communication quality and parentin g Communication is a key aspect in ensuring good parenting. Failure to communicate effectively leads to conflicts due to lack of understanding between the parties involved. Communication between a parent and a child should be open, and should not require the presence of a mediator. The right quality of interactions and communication affects the positive growth of a child. Communication calls for the parent to be attentive to emerging needs and changes. The parent should simply listen to the child. The quality of relationships which children make is directly linked with parenting. Communication ensures that both the parent and child are aware of their environments and are in a position to express themselves adequately irrespective of the situations (Macklem, 2008). Media and parenting The medias’ role in parenting has recently evolved over the years. The media has played an important role in parenting in several ways. Parents are increasingly looking to the media for informati on on child rearing through access to a wide array of topics on parenting. Parenting information is available online where parents can borrow lessons from true stories and other experienced parents. Psychologists also offer chunks of advice to assist parents in child growth and development. The TV also provides a considerable amount of content on parenting which parents can learn from. The print media equally discusses topics on child rearing and other child related stories. Several media owners in the print industry have devoted several pages to discussions on issues relating to family life (Simpson, n.d., para 11). Despite the positive influence of media, there are several challenges that the media has generated. TV has largely been viewed as the major source of parenting advice hence overlooking other important aspects that build parenting like family and religion. Sometimes, application of parenting advice varies from situation to situation. Therefore, what is portrayed in the m edia may be confusing and fail to apply efficiently in different situations. This implies that parents should not treat the media as ‘gospel truth’ hence they should discern what is right and applicable (DeGaetano,2004). References 10 Skills of Competent Parents. (2013). Web. Balter, L. (2000). Parenthood in America: An Encyclopaedia. California, USA: ABC, CLIO. Bjorklund, D.F. , Blasi, C.H (2011). Child and Adolescent Development: An Integrated Approach. California:,USA:Cengage Learning. Brooks, J. (2000). Parenting. USA: Mc Graw-hill. DeGaetano, G. (2004). Parenting Well in a Media Age: Keeping our Kids Human. California, USA: Personhood Press. Fisher, C.B. , Lerner, R. M. (2004). Encyclopaedia of Applied Developmental Science. USA: Sage Publications Ltd. Golombok, S. (2000). Parenting: What Really Counts? New York, USA: Taylor and Francis Group. Guhl, B. , Fontenelle, D.H. (2000). Purrfect Parenting. Arizona, USA: Fisher Books. Luster, T., Okagaki, L. (2005). Pare nting: An Ecological Perspective. New Jersey, USA: Routlege. Macklem, G. L. (2008). Practitioners Guide to Emotion Regulation in School-Aged Children. Massachusetts, USA: Springer. Parenting Today. (2013). Web. Schaffer, D. (2009). Social and Personality Development. California, USA: Cengage Learning. Schaffer, D. R., Kipp, K. (2009).Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence. California, USA: Cengage Learning. Sigelman, C.K., Rider, E.A. (2011). Life Span Human Development. California, USA: Cengage Learning. Simpson, A. R. (n.d). Role of Mass Media in Parenting Education. Web.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Socialization and Culture Essays

Socialization and Culture Essays Socialization and Culture Essay Socialization and Culture Essay Most of the societies have cultural issues and problems that must be dealt with which usually involves the matter of culture and social perception. Addressing this problem through the mediation of the government is very complicated thus, social opinions and cultural concepts must be incorporated to better understand the concern of the issue. Children employment in the city is an issue that involves cultural views and social consideration. It is not merely deciding whether to illegalize it or not just by basing from the decisions and opinions of the political leaders but instead public views must be solicited to determine the technicality and ethicality of this issue. Social perspective, whether ethnocentric or culturally relativistic- should also be considered in evaluating this issue. Child labor and Social Culture Social and cultural perspective are very important in factoring the opinion and views of the society regarding an issue whether they are ethnocentric or culturally relativistic. Ethnocentrism is defined as the view that one’s culture’s way of doing things is the right and natural way thus discriminating other by regarding them as barbaric and inferior than them. On the other hand, cultural relativism is the attitude that other ways of doing things are different but equally valid thus this behavior tries to understand the others in cultural context. Through conducting survey and soliciting public opinions, it was determined that most of society view the issue of child labor as a matter of necessity, which also makes it as a valid employment matter and not a matter of child abuse. It has been determined that this society is more culturally relativistic regarding this attitude thus most of them try to justify the dilemma of child labor. According to public opinion, child labor is being regarded as a means for children to help their family regarding financial issues. In addition, this labor contribution is needed on accounts of family business and income generation. In addition, a mean of acquiring personal work experiences and skills is viewed as essential to future employment challenges. Due to this social perception and cultural attitude, child labor becomes a socially acceptable means of employment in the society. Since the society view this issue as a valid matter and not an abusive and discriminating one, government action should move in accordance to this opinion. Thus, government actions and policies should be made in accordance to this assumption so that the society could relate to it. The best course of action to be initialize regarding this issue is to make policies and amendment protecting the safety and work conditions of children regarding their employment. Conclusion Public opinion is very much vital in the movements and actions of the government. Social perspective should be considered as the eye of the government in viewing certain social and cultural dilemma. Social discretion and cultural behavior should considered in making course of actions government actions are intended for the betterment of the society. Thus, social opinion and cultural behavior are the factor in determining the ethicality and validity of a cultural issue whether it will be socially accepted or denied.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Best Career Tips No One Told You

The Best Career Tips No One Told You Career advice is common and usually welcome, but some bits of career advice are  seldom mentioned, even though they can help you make large professional strides. Just getting a job and plugging away at it can sometimes get you a promotion, but being proactive can get you there faster. Learning the best career tips can help build your standing and personal growth to become more successful in whatever career you choose. Do What You LoveExamine what your talents are and where your interests lie. That may be a good indicator of what direction you should go when going into a career. Does helping people give you that warm, fuzzy feeling? In that case, maybe you should look into healthcare jobs where you can spend your days helping others. Do you love mathematics and excel  at calculations? Maybe accounting or bookkeeping would be a good career move for you. Whatever your interests, you may be happiest doing what you love.Keep LearningKeeping on top of your profession is what makes your career rewarding. Taking a class, learning a new computer program, or earning a certificate in your field can make you feel as though you’re growing in your career and building toward the future. Learning new things keeps you ahead of the rest and helps if you want to change jobs or want a promotion.Find a MentorNo matter what your job, there is always someone who has been around longer and has much more experience. Observe that individual to see how he or she handles tasks and responsibilities, and then and learn to emulate the best techniques. Someone else’s  proven method can help you learn and grow.Set Goals to Achieve MoreAsk yourself where you want to be in the short-term and in the long term, and set reasonable goals to reach these landmarks. Do you need more training to go into a job you want eventually? Take the time to get that training. Are there responsibilities you don’t have that would benefit you in the future? Ask for more responsibilities at work. Learning other types of jobs can round out your experience and make you more marketable. Setting goals can get you there more quickly.Put in the TimeGo-getters know that working strictly during office hours and being the first one to leave for lunch or in the evening will not get you promoted. Put in extra effort to get the job done, even if it means missing a lunch break or working a little later. It won’t go unnoticed by your boss, and you may end up being assigned more responsibility because of it. This extra duty can lead to a pay raise or promotion.Keep Your Eye on Your GoalsMost people don’t start off in the perfect job. However, by finding a job that will help you get the skills and experience you need to move up on the ladder, you can work your way toward that perfect job. All it takes is perseverance and know-how.It is up to you to reach where you want to be in your career. With hard work and determination, you can reach that job of your dreams. TheJobNe twork helps you in your job search 24 hours per day. After you fill out your qualifications and job interests, we send you emails when jobs matching that description come up. In this way, you won’t miss any opportunities to get a great job doing what you love the most. If you want to, you can also search the job listings yourself, so you know you are being proactive in your search. Sign up for job match alert to start on the path to a new career.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

FAT file systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

FAT file systems - Essay Example File Allocation Tables (FAT) is of huge significance to the users of Compact Flash (CF) because the requirement of FAT type is different for the devices that are optimized with over 2.14 gigabytes (GB) of storage capacity unlike those that require only 2.13 GB. This topic has gained huge importance specifically after the hard disk’s application into the personal computers. This paper tends to create awareness among the camera users regarding the FAT through a comprehensive discussion of its history. Introduction: The subject of this white paper is the illustration of FAT File Systems. This white paper is directed at creating an understating among the users of camera regarding the File Allocation Tables, which are generally referred to as FAT. Because of the disparity between the need of FAT type among different devices, Compact Flash (CF) users need to be given a thorough understanding of the FAT so that they may be able to make the right choice as per their device. The scope of this white paper is limited to the discussion of history of FAT File Systems along with a brief review of the relation of FAT with the Compact Flash (CF) devices which generate files with sizes up to 5+ mega pixels. This white paper first gives a comprehensive account of the historical background of FAT. This is followed by a review of the use of FAT File Systems in CF. Finally, the findings are concluded in the last section. History of FAT File System: Development of FAT File System: In February, 1976, during his stay at the Albuquerque’s Hilton Hotel spanning five days, a child known as Bill Gates who has gained immense fame for his contributions in the world of computer developed and coded FAT (Gilbert). â€Å"FAT was designed for small disks and simple folder structures† (Microsoft). Replacement of floppy disks with double-sided diskettes: The original Personal Computers made use of floppy disks for carrying the data whose capacity usually used to be 180 kilobyt es. After the floppy disks, use of double-sided diskettes increased. The double-sided diskettes used to be double the capacity of the floppy disks and were up to 5 ? inches in size. The initial DOS developers indicated the relation of sectors to individual files as well as identified the vacant tables by creating tables with a view to organizing the data. As a result of this, the Operating System (DOS) was able to use the limited space on the double-sided diskettes to the maximum limit. There was no more the need of availability of a continuous series of sectors for saving the files. It was possible to break up the data for the files and distribute that everywhere in the double-sided diskette in an increasingly organized and sequenced fashion; a process that is frequently referred to as fragmentation. Nevertheless, it was fortunate in those times to be able to keep the data in one diskette because one would not need to switch the diskettes in and out alternately time and again while the program’s operation would continue. Selection of table length: There are 768 sectors upon a diskette with a capacity of 360 KB. This required the table to be large enough in order to determine every single sector of the total of 768. There was also the requirement of some room for expansion because the developers were aware of the on-going creation of larger diskettes. Number of possible values permitted by the use of one byte per table did not exceed 512, so that would not practically serve the purpose. On the other hand, two bytes would waste the disk space by permitting 16384 entries. Thus, decision had to be made somewhere in between one and two bytes. So finally, table with the length of 12 bits that were equal to 1.5 bytes were chosen so that the usage of sectors on the first double-sided diskettes could be traced. As a result of this, 4096 possible values were permitted. Such a FAT table was able to deal with storage devices with the capacity as large as 2 GB prov ided that each entry

Friday, October 18, 2019

Policy changes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Policy changes - Essay Example The current policy of the USA pertaining to the nuclear program of Iran has failed to serve its purpose and should be looked upon from a different dimension to have any positive effect. Like an expired drug, any outdated or faulty policy, if kept implemented, can have its adverse reaction. This is an important concept to understand. The effect of the USA current policy is not limited to Iran but it shares a common interest of many countries around the world. Iran’s desire to acquire nuclear technology has raised many eyebrows on the international horizon (Davis 2011). America continues to follow a non-lenient policy on this matter and has to come up with a strong response. President Obama’s speech in Cairo also addressed the issue of Iran’s nuclear program clearly stating the country’s policy on the subject. The U.S. has its concerns over Iran’s peaceful propositions. Therefore, a conflict is inevitable. Currently, the U.S. follows a policy of imple menting sanctions and using diplomatic tools to force Iran to give up its desire of pursuing nuclear technology. But nothing much has been achieved so far. Despite this fact few amendments have been made from the U.S. government in their current policy. As mentioned earlier, this has resulted in some side effects. Iran is now more determined to bypass the international forum. Retaliation also came in the form of Oil embargo that was imposed on the members of European Nation. Due to the fact that America has a history of rivalry with Iran, it could be deduced that any American enforcement will aggravate the situation. Moreover, it is the right of any country to utilize its resources to fuel the economy. Iran believes that a nuclear energy can resolve their crisis of energy needs and can boost their economy. Any obstacle from America that prevents Iran from achieving that goal will be viewed as a conspiracy against them. Therefore, a new policy is required to address this particular i ssue. A proposed policy could be a discussion with the Iranian Government over their energy needs, and an alternative solution to that crisis can be provided. How to Implement That Policy? The first and the foremost hurdle that resulted in the failure of the early policy was that it was implemented by the U.S. The history between the countries suggests that any proposition from any side will be dealt with criticism and suspicion (Fayazmanesh 2008). Moreover, this problem is not of the USA alone and president Obama made it very clear in his speech in Cairo that all the steps taken against Iran are in the best interest of all humanity. Let’s closely look at the situation, if Iran acquires nuclear technology, it will definitely initiate a nuclear arm race in the surrounding region that can have severe consequences. We cannot afford a third world war. If initiated, these nuclear weapons can lead to annihilation of our entire planet. But Iran is not ready to give up its program an d will surely reject the future U.S. policies. The cause of such response towards the U.S. policies by Iran can be traced back to history. The only country in the history of mankind that practically used nuclear weapons to destroy two cities and killed thousands of people in a blink of an eye is none other than the U.S. Though, many justifications were

Social Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social Science - Essay Example And because the economic effects differ for different regions, so do fertility and mortality rates. For developed countries, mortality rates are lower and life expectancy is higher and vice versa for the developing countries. But in any case, the global population is increasing at a high acceleration rate. The United States, under the burden of providing for a rapidly-aging, non productive elderly population, also has to deal with high rates of immigrants. The standard life cycle model yields a straightforward prediction that as a large chunk of the population comprises of aging people, national savings fall. As a result to this, investment suffers negative blows in the long run. With overseas population settling in the United States, withdrawals from the economy are promised. However, with the increase in the number of immigrants settling in the Unites States, there is also likely to be an increase in the investments in the short-run and an increased work force. It also makes the Un ited States a multi-cultural society, its population comprising of people from different races and nations. While the United States stands with certain challenges at hand with the growing, diverse population, it is justified to say that they will be able to cope with the current and projected demographic changes if policymakers accelerate their efforts to address these problems.

Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing - Assignment Example The purpose of SWOT analysis is to provide a realistic appraisal of the firm and the environment in which it operates. SWOT provides a basis for the formulation of realistic goals and objectives and strategies for their implementation. Without a SWOT analysis the firm's planning process is fatally flawed. Planning is an information-based activity and, without information planning, quickly degenerates into a political exercise in selling individual biases and preconceptions. Further complicating matters is that if SWOT is not essentially conducted, there is no basis upon which to assess progress toward the accomplishment of goals and objectives; and the accountability upon which managerial control is based also quickly degenerates. There are significant benefits to SWOT. By the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, strategies can be designed to efficiently allocate the organization's resources, hence increasing overall organizational effectiveness. SWOT c an identify profitable opportunities and high-risk ventures that enhance the firm's effectiveness. Preventive measures can be designed to avoid major environmental threats that may save large amounts of resources that might otherwise be required to correct damage from those environmental threats. ... There are several environments in which a firm functions. These environments are the economic environment, the sociopolitical environment, and the technological environment. Each of these environments has important components and implications for the strategic planning process. The economic environment consists of both factor and product markets considerations. The availability of supporting market structures, intermediate goods, labor, and the price levels within these areas will determine the costs of production for the firm. The product market; its relative competitiveness, whether it is expanding or contracting; and its continued viability will determine the ability of the firm to generate revenues from that market. The case presented here examines the crisis and ongoing problems of Marks & Spencer, one of Britain's best known retail brands that has experienced after many years of unbroken success. The case examines the factors that contributed to perhaps the most serious threat that the company has faced in its over 100-year history and identifies the implications for the company's future public relations strategy. Marks & Spencer (M&S) is one of the UK's largest, best-known retailers and their brand has been synonymous with reliability, value and quality for generations. Marks & Spencer has been viewed as setting the standards that other retailers have striven to match over the years and, until recently, was recognized as one of Britain's best-managed companies with an enviable track record of successful growth and profits. The company has consistently been rated as Britain's 'most favored company' in surveys among business leaders. The name

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Review of Cedar Lake Dance Company Research Paper

Review of Cedar Lake Dance Company - Research Paper Example The Artistic Director is Benoit-Swan Pouffer and the website gives a good impression of his somewhat radical approach to the medium of ballet. A short clip entitled â€Å"Street† by Erez Sabag is a masterful example of how dance is integrated with modern video technology. The music is a series of low chords, somewhat edgy and jarring in nature, and this is set against a dark and forbidding street scene. The first movement is just the slow passing of automobiles, and then the dancer walks on in a slouching posture with face hidden in a â€Å"hoodie† jacket. This chimes very well with contemporary music video culture, and at first it is not obvious that what follows will   be an episode of dance. When the dancer suddenly switches into an explosion of jerky dance movements, at lightning speed and with high energy, a feeling of excitement and released tension is conveyed, only to resolve back into the sullen walking down the darkened street.   Viewers will not forget th is image, and it is no doubt intentional that it represents the surprising contribution and memorable contribution that ballet can make to modern culture. A potentially useful feature of the website is the blog, complete with hyperlinks and buttons for facebook and twitter. This blog offers photographs but very little commentary, and there is very little evidence that it is being used interactively by the public. This is something that the company should perhaps work more on, because artistic marketing in the internet age is increasingly. being done with full involvement of fans and supporters, who create viral

Evaluate the main Problems Associated with Using Plastic Bags Essay

Evaluate the main Problems Associated with Using Plastic Bags - Essay Example As the report stresses in India non-biodegradable bags result in long-lasting litter at landfill sites. This is especially dangerous to wildlife away from areas of human population. Collecting plastic bags is not profitable for waste pickers in India, and this leads to plastic bags continuing to create a major threat to the environment. As a consequence the landscape of India is dominated by litter from plastic bags. Presently, plastic accounts for an estimated 10 percent of generated waste. This paper discusses that some of the litter that does not end up in landfills results in blocked drains and choked soil. Plastic bags are light and so they lead to blocked drains which results in water logging and nuisance to citizens. They can also lead to choked soil because they are non-porous, and do not permit the free flow of water and air, hence causing plants to choke. The rotting waste from pits generates methane. The toxins present are dissolved, permeates the soil and pollutes groundwater during monsoon rains. Plastic bags are photo-degradable instead of bio-degradable – which means that they break down into small toxic bits. This results in the contamination of the ground and waterways. This becomes a heath hazard to humans, animals, marine life and plant life. Suffocation as a result of plastic bag is not uncommon, especially in Malaysia. There have been accidental deaths, both among small children who play with shopping bags and adolescents who are solvent abuse rs. There have been instances of homicide cases, and the victims are invariably infants or adults who are frail or terminally ill and are not able to struggle or show resistance (Perez-Martinez et al 1993). Impact on plants, animal and marine life In India dumping grounds are filled, levelled off and converted into parks. Owing to the fact that the soil was predominantly plastic bags, the trees were not able to anchor firmly into the ground. The flora is destroyed due to the uprooting of trees from the high velocity winds that blow over the city during the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing - Assignment Example The purpose of SWOT analysis is to provide a realistic appraisal of the firm and the environment in which it operates. SWOT provides a basis for the formulation of realistic goals and objectives and strategies for their implementation. Without a SWOT analysis the firm's planning process is fatally flawed. Planning is an information-based activity and, without information planning, quickly degenerates into a political exercise in selling individual biases and preconceptions. Further complicating matters is that if SWOT is not essentially conducted, there is no basis upon which to assess progress toward the accomplishment of goals and objectives; and the accountability upon which managerial control is based also quickly degenerates. There are significant benefits to SWOT. By the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, strategies can be designed to efficiently allocate the organization's resources, hence increasing overall organizational effectiveness. SWOT c an identify profitable opportunities and high-risk ventures that enhance the firm's effectiveness. Preventive measures can be designed to avoid major environmental threats that may save large amounts of resources that might otherwise be required to correct damage from those environmental threats. ... There are several environments in which a firm functions. These environments are the economic environment, the sociopolitical environment, and the technological environment. Each of these environments has important components and implications for the strategic planning process. The economic environment consists of both factor and product markets considerations. The availability of supporting market structures, intermediate goods, labor, and the price levels within these areas will determine the costs of production for the firm. The product market; its relative competitiveness, whether it is expanding or contracting; and its continued viability will determine the ability of the firm to generate revenues from that market. The case presented here examines the crisis and ongoing problems of Marks & Spencer, one of Britain's best known retail brands that has experienced after many years of unbroken success. The case examines the factors that contributed to perhaps the most serious threat that the company has faced in its over 100-year history and identifies the implications for the company's future public relations strategy. Marks & Spencer (M&S) is one of the UK's largest, best-known retailers and their brand has been synonymous with reliability, value and quality for generations. Marks & Spencer has been viewed as setting the standards that other retailers have striven to match over the years and, until recently, was recognized as one of Britain's best-managed companies with an enviable track record of successful growth and profits. The company has consistently been rated as Britain's 'most favored company' in surveys among business leaders. The name

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Evaluate the main Problems Associated with Using Plastic Bags Essay

Evaluate the main Problems Associated with Using Plastic Bags - Essay Example As the report stresses in India non-biodegradable bags result in long-lasting litter at landfill sites. This is especially dangerous to wildlife away from areas of human population. Collecting plastic bags is not profitable for waste pickers in India, and this leads to plastic bags continuing to create a major threat to the environment. As a consequence the landscape of India is dominated by litter from plastic bags. Presently, plastic accounts for an estimated 10 percent of generated waste. This paper discusses that some of the litter that does not end up in landfills results in blocked drains and choked soil. Plastic bags are light and so they lead to blocked drains which results in water logging and nuisance to citizens. They can also lead to choked soil because they are non-porous, and do not permit the free flow of water and air, hence causing plants to choke. The rotting waste from pits generates methane. The toxins present are dissolved, permeates the soil and pollutes groundwater during monsoon rains. Plastic bags are photo-degradable instead of bio-degradable – which means that they break down into small toxic bits. This results in the contamination of the ground and waterways. This becomes a heath hazard to humans, animals, marine life and plant life. Suffocation as a result of plastic bag is not uncommon, especially in Malaysia. There have been accidental deaths, both among small children who play with shopping bags and adolescents who are solvent abuse rs. There have been instances of homicide cases, and the victims are invariably infants or adults who are frail or terminally ill and are not able to struggle or show resistance (Perez-Martinez et al 1993). Impact on plants, animal and marine life In India dumping grounds are filled, levelled off and converted into parks. Owing to the fact that the soil was predominantly plastic bags, the trees were not able to anchor firmly into the ground. The flora is destroyed due to the uprooting of trees from the high velocity winds that blow over the city during the

Mary shellys frankenstein Essay Example for Free

Mary shellys frankenstein Essay Frankenstein was written in 1817 by Mary Shelley. Shelley was from a family of intellectuals and one of the most influential writers of the time and a big part of the Romantic movement. The book is about a man who strives to create the ultimate being, but creates something worse than he could have imagined. Right from the start we see that our main character, Victor Frankenstein, has a keen interest for Natural Philosophy. This only adds to his curiosity when his University professor, Mr Waldman, shows him his plans to create life. This curiosity; along with the fact that his mother died when he was young; drives him to carry out Professor Waldmans plans to create the ultimate being. The plans greatly help Victor in his venture to create life. They help him find out what he needs to do it. At this time in the scientific world, it was a time of progress and discovery. Scientists were only just starting to understand the concept of how the human body worked, so to transplant vital organs from one to another was a huge leap forward. Victor believes that if he creates life successfully his name will be put down in history and his memory will live on. By trying to create life, Victor was greatly challenging the accepted beliefs of the time. Organ transplants were unheard of, which is basically what Victor is doing. The scene I am writing about is at a crucial moment in the novel, as there are vast amounts of consequences to what Victor is doing. Because this scene is a vital part of the novel, Mary Shelley wants to crate a dramatic atmosphere. She accomplishes this through good use of language, detailed setting descriptions and in-depth descriptions of the characters actions. To create a dramatic atmosphere, Mary Shelley gives us a vivid image of the setting as she describes it in such detail. For example, in the first paragraph it is described as a dreary night in November. The word dreary makes the reader think of fog, when referring to the weather. this could be perceived as symbolism, representing mysteriousness, as you cant see whats ahead of you in fog. The significance of it being in November is great. This is because November is one of the months where the sun goes down early, and this contributes to the feeling of uncertainty, because darkness is associated with bad happenings. The rain is also described in this very paragraph. The rain pattered dismally against the panes. The words used to describe the rain falling are pattered dismally. This suggests that the rain is not coming down heavily, and has been coming down for some time with no intention of stopping. Dismally also suggests that Victor is tired of it raining as dismally is generally used when someone is bored of something that has been happening for a long period of time. It is also described as being one in the morning. The middle of the night. This is associated with bad happenings, and most people are asleep so there is no-one to come to Victors aid if anything bad should happen. This creates a tension filled atmosphere as he is completely alone. Victor Frankenstein, as well as being the main character, is the narrator. This helps the audience find out his feelings towards his creation. The way he describes it is as if it is something so ugly, yet beautiful as he has succeeded in creating life. For example, Victor describes his creation as having a shrivelled complexion. From this description we can tell that Victor feels his creation is ugly and that he is disgusted at what he has created. I say this because you dont describe someone beautiful as having a shrivelled complexion. Victor is disappointed, as he designed his creature to be beautiful, but now he describes it as a demoniacal corpse. Victors actions upon seeing his creature also show the reader his feelings towards it. For example, Victor runs away in horror, suggesting that he wants nothing to do with the creature and is basically disowning it. This is ironic, as later on in the novel, the creature goes after Victors friends and family because Victor disowned him. Victor also sits on the stairs, contemplating the ethics of what he has just done. These two actions show the reader that Victor, having created life, now regrets his decision and wants to put it right. He cant sleep because he is filled with regret and is afraid of what might happen as he has just abandoned what is technically his son. The creatures actions have a certain effect on the reader. Initially the creature cannot talk, so the reader has no idea what he is thinking, so when he approaches Victor it creates suspense as the reader doesnt know what will happen next. The creature reaches out and tries to speak, which is when Victor runs. As the creature is so big and scarred and cant communicate, it is immediately seen as evil. This impression turns out to be wrong as the creature is gentle and scared- he only turns evil when he is rejected by Victor and the family he has been watching. This rejection makes the reader have some sympathy towards the creature when he learns he is not wanted. To emphasise the horror or the creature, there is a reference to Dante in the last paragraph: even Dante could not have conceived. The audience would have been familiar with Dante and his work. Mainly his seven circles of hell in The Inferno. This familiarity the audience at the time had with Dante shocked them. Dante was seen as a bit eccentric and if he could not have thought of something so horrific, it must be extremely bad. The choices Mary Shelley made in language, description and setting help to create atmosphere as all the adjectives used are sinister, and help to create an evil atmosphere e. g. lifeless. As there is this evil atmosphere, the audience feel the tension as it seems like something bad is going to happen. It is this tension that makes this scene so crucial to the novel and so different from all the others. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Economic Impact of the UN on World Trade in the 20th Century

Economic Impact of the UN on World Trade in the 20th Century Thompson, Tyler Many different sources went into providing an in depth response to the question, What economic impact did the United Nations have on world trade in the 20th century? Two of the most important sources used were The Reconstruction of the International Economy, 1945-1960 by Barry Eichengreen and International Business: Opportunities and Challenges in a Flattening World, v. 1.0 by Mason A. Carpenter and Sanjyot P. Dunung. The Reconstruction of the International Economy, 1945-1960 is a historical journal published in 1993. The author, Barry Eichengreen, is very educated in both history and economics, receiving his masters in History from Yale University in 1978 and his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1979. He wrote this piece in an effort to analyze the way that the international economy reacted and responded to the economic crisis caused by the Second World War. He also analyzed the different forces in play that caused the economy to react the way that it did. This work is valuable because of the insight it gives to the situation being analyzed. Eichengreen, as a professor of history and economics, has access to a lot of information relating to international economics. He is also very skilled at interpreting the extent to which certain forces impacted the economy. For this reason, this source gives an accurate overview of the international economy between 1945 and 1960. This document is limited, however , in the sense that it was written and published before the end of the 20th century. This means that the document does not give insight into the rest of the century, and so it is limited in the information that it contains. Furthermore, since it was published before the end of the century, it fails to understand the long term effects of the events that occurred during the time period. International Business: Opportunities and Challenges in a Flattening World, v. 1.0 by Mason A. Carpenter and Sanjyot P. Dunung is a book written in an attempt to analyze the changing international economy. Carpenter received his Ph.D. in 1997 from the University of Texas. He is currently a professor at the University of Wisconsin. Dunung has considerable experience in educating different cultures. Carpenters knowledge of history along with Dunungs ability to understand multiple cultures allows them to accurately come to conclusions about the international economy. This document is valuable because it analyzes the trends in international economics and gives a good idea of the forces at play in international economics. It also shows the different ways that the United Nations referees the international economy. However, it is limited in the sense that instead of analyzing specific instances in which the United Nations interfered in the international economy, it simply discusses general trends and the general methods the United Nations uses. Because of this, the source tends to be general in its information. Word Count: 470 Section 2. Investigation According to Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations, one of the purposes of the United Nations is to, achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. The United Nations is an organization that seeks to maintain peaceful relations between major powers. Because of the far reach of this organization, the effects of their policies and actions have far reaching effects socially, politically, and especially economically. Through policies that maintain peace and aiding in the negotiations of trade agreements, the United Nations has had a major positive effect on international trade between 1945 and 2000. Prior to the formation of the United Nations in 1945, the world economy was in disarray. During this time period, the economy saw, the almost total cessation of normal international economic relations (Eichengreen 1). This lack of trade along with debts from the war left many economies in poor shape. Poverty was at an all-time high, while international GDP was at an all-time low. Many industrial countries found it difficult to import raw materials for their factories. On the other side, many countries that export raw materials found it hard to find markets to sell their goods. This general disruption of trade left many economies staggering and struggling. However, the birth of the United Nations soon saw the recovery of many economies. Trade was soon established between countries that had just recently been at war and the international economy began to grow. World trade has a major effect on international economies as, there is a strong positive correlation between growth in per capita income and growth in trade, (Roser). World trade managed to grow about eight percent annually from 1950 to 1965. And in fact, international GDP per capita grew at a steady rate and did not once decrease from 1960 until the end of the century. In 1960, the world GDP stood at 1.353 trillion US dollars as compared to the 33.391 trillion US dollars that it stood at when the century ended. The United Nations has enacted a multitude of policies in order to facilitate the expansion of international trade. The UN has created a series of 10-year International Development Strategies in order to develop smaller countries that may be rich in resources and could have a beneficial impact on international trade. This plan was set into place by the General Assembly in 1960 and continued throughout the rest of the century. Furthermore, they work with agencies that, provide technical assistance and other forms of practical help to countries around the world. In cooperation with the UN, they help formulate policies, set standards and guidelines, foster support and mobilize funds (United Nations). Although the United Nations is not the only organization that worked to benefit international trade in the second half of the 20th century, it was the common denominator in many instances and acted as the main organizer of other separate efforts. The role of the United Nations in maintaining peace has a major impact on international economics. According to International Business: Opportunities and Challenges in a Flattening World, military conflict can be extremely disruptive to economic activity and impede long-term economic performance. Through peace, businesses find it easier to find and hire qualified workers, work with less regulations to due lack of war time restrictions, and find that international trade is made easier through easier currency exchange. When countries are at war, many qualified workers are working either in the military or in a field that ties directly to the military in order to help the war effort. Also, trade between foreign countries that are at war with each other is very difficult because there are generally greater tariffs and restrictions on trade between companies in these two areas. In general, peace is good for business and the world economy as a whole. The United Nations completed more than 20 missions all around the world between 1945 and 2000 in an effort to maintain international peace. One of the earliest examples of these missions was their role in the end of the India-Pakistan War in 1947-48. This war began when India gained its independence as a colony from England in 1947. The colony was split into India and Pakistan. However, there was considerable debate between the two over who would get control over the state of Jammu and Kashmir. This eventually led to a war that was quickly stopped due to United Nations mediation. This action had significant impacts on international economies. India is a major exporter of oil, textiles, engineering goods, and jewelry, while Pakistan exports rice, cotton, tiles, surgical instruments, and rugs among other goods. Without the mediation of the United Nations, these two countries would have continued to fight. They would have spent valuable resources on the war instead of focusing them on producing goods for trade. This has benefited the countries that trade with them because they now have more access to the goods that these countries produce. This single conflict, had it not been stopped by the United Nations, would have had a serious negative impact on the international economy by hurting trade and reducing both imports and exports. On a grander scale, the fact that the United Nations has organized negotiations many times shows how they have had a great impact on maintaining international trade and improving international economies. Although the evidence points to the United Nations as one of the major powers that influenced the growth of international economies after 1945, some historians disagree. Eichengreen claims that the Bretton Woods Agreement was one of the most important policy changes that benefited economies, and this occurred without the aid of the United Nations. The Bretton Woods Agreement gave rise to the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the International Trade Organization. This immediately paved a path for the reintroduction of international trade between nations that had very recently been at war with each other. The steady growth of international economies and the continued peace between major powers indicates that the United Nations played a greater role in international economics than the Bretton Woods Agreement. Although the Bretton Woods Agreement provided immediate trade relations, there remained considerable disagreement between the British and Americans over the particulars of the Bretton Woods Agreement (Eichengreen 4). In addition, one of the organizations that the agreement created was the IMF, which along with the World Bank are, twin intergovernmental pillars supporting the structure of the worlds economic and financial order, (Carpenter). Yet, historians claim that the IMF, played little role in international monetary affairs until the end of the 1950s. The quick transition to current account convertibility envisaged by the framers of the Bretton Woods Agreement never came to pass (Eichengreen 4). In summary, the United Nations has had a major positive impact on international trade during the 20th century. The United Nations mediated in international conflicts multiple times in the 20th century and has also helped enact trade agreements. All of these actions have been shown to have been beneficial to the international economy based on steady GDP growth throughout the 20th century and a quick recovery from the poor international economic situation during which the United Nations was created. Word Count: 1225 Section 3. Reflection This investigation has been a great experience for me. I have learned a lot about the process of gathering information from different sources and drawing a single conclusion. When I began this assignment, I knew little about the process that historians actually go through when writing historical analysis reports. I had the misconception that historians simply gather information that all seems to support a single thesis. However, I did not realize history is not black and white. This major issue is one of the biggest challenges that historians face. In my own investigation, I found that a single event could have been caused by multiple different causes. For example, The Reconstruction of the International Economy, 1945-1960 by Barry Eichengreen shows the different events that helped the economy respond to the crisis immediately following the Second World War. He shows that both the United Nations and the creation of different organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank, and the ITO all contributed to the economys recover. I was challenged and tasked with analyzing which factor impacted the economy the most. Encountering this in my own research showed me the importance of understanding the values and limitations of different sources. Being able to evaluate sources and try to extract accurate information from them is the job that historians are faced with. In this way, I learned that the work of a historian involves more than just gathering and discussing information. Historians are tasked with analyzing the information they use and being able to draw conclusions based on their analysis. When I conducted this investigation, I saw this dilemma first hand. Although I had a variety of sources of information that were all credible in their own way, I had to draw my own conclusions from the sources and be able to support my ideas. I value this experience because I feel that I have learned not only what historians have to do, but I have also gained the skills needed. I feel that in the future I will lean on this experience as a guide to any historical analysis that I encounter. The insight I have gained from this experience is valuable and the ability to draw my own conclusions is something I will use in the future. Word Count: 377 Works Cited About Economic and Social Development. United Nations. United Nations, n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2016. . Carpenter, Mason A., and Sanjyot P. Dunung. Challenges and Opportunities in International Business. Vol. 1.0. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. Carpenter, Mason A., and Sanjyot P. Dunung. International Business: Opportunities and Challenges in a Flattening World. Vol. 1.0. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. The Charter of the United Nations. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1945. Print. Eichengreen, Barry. The Reconstruction of the International Economy, 1945-1960 (1933): n. pag. Print. GDP (current US$). The World Bank. The World Bank, n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2016. . Milestones: 1961-1968 Office of the Historian. U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State, n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2016. . Ortiz-Espina, Esteban, and Max Roser. International Trade. Our World In Data. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2016. .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Accounts Of The Holocaust Essay -- essays research papers fc

Accounts of the Holocaust The Holocaust was the systematic annihilation of six million Jews by the Nazi regime during the Second World War. I will tell the story of the Holocaust through many different personal accounts of people involved in many different sides of this incredible story. I will do this by using the personal accounts of surviving victims, of those not directly involved in the event, though affected by it, and the defense of the Nazi party. But first, I will tell you a little about the event. The Holocaust began in 1938 and lasted until 1945. This was most definitely the hardest seven years the Jewish population has ever faced. In 1933 approximately nine million Jews lived in the 21 European countries occupied by Germany during the war. The rise of the Nazi party’s anti-Semitism became noticeable in 1935 when laws were put forth limiting the rights of all German Jews. For the Jewish population the hardest time came with the introduction of the concentration camps. Jewish people were Cordova 2 stripped from their homes and hiding places by the German special police services such as the Special State Police (the Gestapo), the Storm Troopers (S.A.), and the Security Police (S.S.). The Jews were transported, in mass amounts, to different Concentration and Extermination Camps throughout Europe. Here they were forced into labor and exterminated when found to be useless to the Nazis. To explain the cause of the Holocaust we must first look at the situation through the eyes of the Nazi party. They truly believed that the Jewish population was the enemy and that annihilation was the only way to rebuild Germany. Dr. Joseph Gobells, the author of The Gobells Diaries, and a member of the Nazi party explained: The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has now overtaken them. Their destruction will go hand in hand with the destruction of our enemies. We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness. We shall thereby render an inestimable service to a humanity tormented for thousands of years by the Jews. This uncompromising anti-Semitic attitude must prevail among our own people despite all objectors. (,1) Nazis felt that in order to build a perfect world all the impure Cordova 3 people, such as the Jews, must be exterminated. The Nazi party also expressed why all Jews, including women and children, were targeted. Heinr... ... dear G-d in a world gone mad and I have seen evil unleashed beyond reason or understanding. I was with them. We drank from the same bitter cup. I hid with them Feared with them, Struggled with them And when the killing was finally done I had survived while millions had died. I do not know why I have asked many questions for which there are no answers And I have even cursed my life thinking I could not endure the pain. But a flame inside refused to die. I could not throw away What had been ripped away from so many. In the end I had to choose life. I had to struggle to cross the bridge between the dead and the living. I had to rebuild what had been destroyed. I had to deny death Another victory. Bibliography 1 2 1 2 3   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Saturday, October 12, 2019

capital punishment :: essays research papers

Capital Punishment and Deterrence Abstract Capitol Punishment has been around since the beginning of mankind; eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. Since then the public have debated for or against capital punishment revolving around issues of deterrence, retribution, discrimination and Irreversibility. Leaving us with the responsibility to analyze the factors surrounding capital punishment. A number of studies have also been done specifically on the deterrent effects of capital punishment. Many officials believes that capital punishment not only prevent s the offender from committing additional crimes but deters others as well. The research of Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon J. Hawkins demonstrated that punishment is an effective deterrent for those who are criminally inclined. Another research has been to examine murder rates in given areas both before and after an execution. Clear and cole(2000) have examined more than 200 studies evaluating the effectiveness of the death penalty in deterring crime. A recent study found that a significant deterrent effect is associated with the increased use of capital punishment since 1977 ( Dezhbakhsh, Rubin and Shepherd, 2001). Michael Radelet and Ronald Akers attempted to determine if having the Death Penalty indeed act as a deterrent on criminal homicide. Is the theory of â€Å"Just Deserts† (Bedau, 1978; Finckenenauer, 1998) in anyway credible? It is also often argued that death is what murderers deserve, making criminals reap what they sow. Most believe that in order to assure deserts, the punishment should always fit the crime. It would require us to rape rapists, torture torturers, and inflict other horrible and degrading punishment on offenders. It would require us to betray traitors and kill multiple murderers again and again, punishments impossible to inflict. ( Bedau 1978). However the principle of just deserts is understood to require that the severity of punishments must be proportional to the gravity of the crime, and that murder being the gravest crime deserves the severest punishment, then the principle is no doubt sound. But it does not compel support for the death penalty. What it does require is that crimes other than murder be punished with terms of imprisonment or other deprivations less severe than those used in the punishment of murder. Criminals no doubt deserve to be punished, and punished with severity appropriate to their culpability and the harm they have caused to the innocent. But severity of punishment has its limits -- imposed both by justice and

Friday, October 11, 2019

New Jersey Insurance Company Essay

1. In what ways does Mr. Somersby control the operation of the sections of his division? In what ways does top management control the operations of the law division? Mr. Somersby controls the operation of the division by requiring reports from each section of his division. Which such reports he was able to monitor the performance as well as the expenditures of each section. The law division has about five sections to which two of them seem more crucial than the others. This is because such section handle accounts that can either make or break the financial status not only of their division but of the company as well. Because of the importance of such sections, Mr. Somersby conducts conferences with the sections in order to determine if there are any problems during their operation and to prepare for future developments. The top management controls the law division by monitoring the financial standing of the division through the required reports that they acquire. They screen discrepancies and questionable differences in cost through comparison with the division’s previous financial report. They are able to do because of the established standard they have set from their years of experience [most of the employees have been retained due to their costly training. Thus, hiring of new employees are avoided unless needed] and frequent transactions in their â€Å"routinary† operation. They require the division to set budgets, and monitor their projected costs from their incurred cost. The same goes to Mr. Somersby. When large deficits are detected they questions such occurrence in order to justify the incurred cost or to make certain actions for the situation to desist. 2. What possibilities for improving control, if any, do you think should be explored? Since budget plans seems to be crucial in their company, they should try to establish more definite parameters for their reports especially for the corporate loan division. They should incorporate the factor of TIME with their reports. For doing almost â€Å"routinary† transactions and for handling such situations for a longer period of time, the examiners should have a clearer gauge as to how long their transactions would be. By sending reports on a timelier manner they would be able to have more reliable figures for their budget estimates. As for larger accounts [like  those of the corporate loans], they should also try to consider not only outsourcing on the legal matter but for investment matters as well. They could consider hiring consultants that have a larger network in these matter in order to have a broader reference in the evaluation process. These financial experts might be able to help them more in accessing mortgages, company and individual net worth and the market standing of any investment. With this, just like on legal matters, these too can be a form of marketing, because they can claim to have a more reliable service because of the presence of financial experts that are not tied with their company. [Thus unbiased reports and projections]. They should also coordinate with the government in some cases so that they could keep track and prepare for any policy changes in their area that might affect the prices of their resources but that of their needed inputs as well. 3. As Mr. Montgomery, what comments would you make and what questions would you ask Mr. Somersby about the performance of the two sections of the law division for the first 6 months of 1987? As Mr. Montgomery, my comments for Mr. Somersby would be as follows: There have been huge deviations on the projected budget and the actual budget of the law division. More particularly, the individual loan section has incurred most of those deviations. From the figures, it seems that the corporate loan section had lesser number of transactions compared to their previous year. It seems that the individual loan section has employed an outsider which is different because their division has carefully trained and well experienced examiners, and has not required to have one from the previous years. The questions would be as follows: What are the reasons of the over budget?  What are your plans in order to prevent your division from incurring these deviations? Why was an additional labor for the individual loan sections made? How come the budgeted number of employees was 26 and the actual number of employees was 24? Since, employing additional labor for the individual loan section happened, is there a need to employ a new permanent worker? Were some of the people from the corporate loan section laid off? Are there any management problems in the corporate loan section? Have you considered employing financial experts instead of outsourcing them? What would become of the division then?