Friday, October 18, 2019

Social Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social Science - Essay Example And because the economic effects differ for different regions, so do fertility and mortality rates. For developed countries, mortality rates are lower and life expectancy is higher and vice versa for the developing countries. But in any case, the global population is increasing at a high acceleration rate. The United States, under the burden of providing for a rapidly-aging, non productive elderly population, also has to deal with high rates of immigrants. The standard life cycle model yields a straightforward prediction that as a large chunk of the population comprises of aging people, national savings fall. As a result to this, investment suffers negative blows in the long run. With overseas population settling in the United States, withdrawals from the economy are promised. However, with the increase in the number of immigrants settling in the Unites States, there is also likely to be an increase in the investments in the short-run and an increased work force. It also makes the Un ited States a multi-cultural society, its population comprising of people from different races and nations. While the United States stands with certain challenges at hand with the growing, diverse population, it is justified to say that they will be able to cope with the current and projected demographic changes if policymakers accelerate their efforts to address these problems.

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