Thursday, October 31, 2019

Critical Review of Skin Deep Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Review of Skin Deep - Essay Example The blind date arranged for a wedding ceremony comically highlights the many difficulties both sisters are currently experiencing in their lives and relationships. The opening scene of the play shows the two sisters discussing their relational challenges and trying to defend their outward displays of everything going well. The married sister is named Sheila Whiting, and is played by Micahla Vaccaro. Sheila discusses her marriage and the multiple plastic surgeries she has undergone in order to remain looking young for her successful lawyer husband. The un-married sister is named Maureen Mulligan, and is played by Missy Lane. Maureen tries to carry on her dull and romantically enigmatic existence due to her issues with her weight. Acting as debutant and matchmaker, Mrs. Vaccaro tries to convince her husband to set her sister up on a blind date for an upcoming wedding. The husband character, named Squire Whiting and played by Bill Krause, plays along and accepts the responsibility of being a matchmaker. As revealed later in play, Mr. Whiting feels affection and respect for his sister-in-law, which almost creates a scandal. When all the characters realize the truth by witnessing a simple hug between the husband and sister-in-law, the relational tension that has built up for many years is released. Mrs. Lane is able to resolve her low self-image with the reality that someone does find her attractive, despite her weight and increasing age. Joe Spinelli, who was set up on a blind date with Maureen, is a simple and realistic man by trade. Played by Barry Chambers, Joe is an honest character who felt attraction to Maureen but remained conservative. Mr. Whiting and Mrs. Vaccaro came to the understanding that plastic surgery was not necessary, because he loves his wife just the way she is. The set-up date creates a sexual innuendo that reminds each character that they are attracted to each other. However, the dialogues between the characters remained predicta ble and contrived. Some of the scenes were lengthy and the outcomes were understood before the conclusion was revealed. The casting was age-appropriate and helped the audience to understand that everyone was experiencing a comedic mid-life crisis. My favorite actor, Mr. Chambers, was very spontaneous and quite realistic in his gesturing. The sexual sparing that occurs between him and Maureen invokes the idea of our own parents trying to date and relate to each other while maintaining a public front. My least favorite character was the married sister. Mrs. Vaccaro seemed too stiff and her use of voice and responses seemed overly rehearsed. Although the actress was apparently feeling physically ill during that particular production, her voice was difficult to hear and did not convincingly portray a married socialite who had received too much plastic surgery. Her husband, the lawyer, was not very convincing until the very last scene, and could have interacted more with his wife. The sc enic design of the play created a neutral environment through which many interactions could occur. The stage was set as a modern, though slightly dated, apartment that allowed the actors to engage with many set props and lighting styles. The doorway, elevated from the stage, created a good use of dramatic space with the

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